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Andrew Penman says a boy's circumcision would still have been wrong if his parents had consented to it. He quotes a blog from the NSS's Megan Manson on the
British Sikh campaigners have been granted permission for a judicial review over whether it is unlawful not to include 'Sikh' as an ethnicity on the census.
A doctor who slipped a sedative in her patient's coffee before administering a lethal drug to her has been acquitted of breaking Dutch euthanasia laws in a
landmark case.
A Moroccan journalist has been jailed for allegedly procuring an abortion and for fornication. The country's penal code bars abortion except in cases when
the mother's life is endangered. Sunni Islam is the established religion of Morocco.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is facing a barrage of criticism after it announced that it would honour India's Hindu nationalist prime minister with
an award later this month.
The creator of an LGBT-inclusive school programme that sparked religiously-motivated protests emphasised the importance of teaching children about equality
at a major National Secular Society lecture.
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