(All the following xxxxxx and more can be found at www.avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/sb-276.  Please share.)


With the passing of SB276 and SB714 we have received hundreds of emails and phone calls asking “What happens to MY child next year?”

While we are putting together a full analysis of the bills, we wanted to get something together so parents know what their options are for next school year and thereafter - detailed in the attached document and here.


We will convert this into an easy to use flow chart shortly.


Disclaimer:  These are A Voice for Choice Advocacy’s interpretations based on the SB276/714 wording (which is very circuitous) and current xxxxxxrmation on Shots for Schools (the CDPH website regarding CA vaccination requirements) with regard to how SB277 has been implemented.  There are some grey areas which are subject to interpretation and may change based on how CDPH implements it.  There is no regulatory process for this law so we are subject to CDPH’s whims.  They just released this question and answer document, which is very broad and does not give all the details: https://www.chhs.ca.gov/blog/2019/09/09/senate-bill-276-and-senate-bill-714-vaccinations-and-medical-exemptions-questions-and-answers/


More to come…THANK YOU!!



Christina Hildebrand


A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.


408 835 9353

Giving issues a voice, A Voice for Choice Advocacy advocates for people’s rights to be fully xxxxxxrmed about the composition, quality, and short- and long-term health effects of all products that go into people’s bodies, such as food, water, air, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.



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