Let's talk about money, friend,

When it comes to campaigning for an election, it's not just about the amount of money that is made, but about where the money comes from.

My opponent funds her campaign with money from her trust fund. The latest FEC report shows that more than 86% of the over $5,000,000 she has spent has come directly from her trust fund. But that's not all -- a super PAC backed by her billionaire grandparents is dedicated exclusively to her and her campaign, all the while our campaign is doing the hard work and raising every single dollar invested.

We're running a 100% people-powered campaign. Will you spare $5 or whatever you can to our campaign today?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Our campaign has been funded by grassroots supporters like you, and I'm very proud to be a candidate that relies on our community to be able to communicate.

At the end of the day, the amount of money we raise from now to November 3rd is crucial -- which is why I am reaching out to ask for your support right now.

This campaign is not, and should not be, about the person with the most money getting elected. This should be about what values people want in their next representative. This campaign is about progressive policies, working tirelessly to make health care for all a human right, lowering the cost of education, and forming a government that is fair for everyone, no matter your zip code, your income level, who you love, or what you look like.

So much is on the line this election. We just can't let this campaign be another one won by the person with the most personal wealth.

I'm not running for Congress in CA-53 to advance my political career, I'm running to advance our community and our values. I'll be a leading voice in the fight to take money out of politics, because in a democratic society, voters choose the leaders -- not wallets.

So, what do you say? Can you spare $5 or anything else so I can fight to take big money out of where it doesn't belong? Thanks for your support -- let's continue fighting for a just future.

- Georgette Gómez