Activist -
The third wave of covid is now hitting the U.S., and this wave could be the worst as flu season begins. Please get your flu shot!
In an ominous sign, some hospitals are already full - especially in states with Republican governors who refuse to require masks and close bars.
And to make the third wave as deadly as possible, Donald Trump is taking a 3-week superspreader tour with multiple visits to every battleground state.
We can't stop Trump from superspreading covid and helping kill another 200,000 Americans. But we can stop him from stealing a second term.
How? By making sure every Democrat we know votes for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and great Democrats all the way down the ballot.
That's why we built SwipeBlue - the most powerful and fun get-out-the-vote app ever created.
And we're thrilled to report 5,600 volunteers have swiped 125,000 voters - over 22 each! Will you join us? (If you already have, please forward this to a Democratic friend!)
1. Go to your app store (Apple or Google) and install SwipeBlue. Then enter your cellphone so we can update you about our collective impact and new features as we add them.
2. With your permission, we'll match your contacts to the public voter file and show you which friends are registered as Democrats, Republicans, third party, or independents. (Don't worry - we fully respect your privacy and theirs.)
3. You guess whether each contact will vote for Joe Biden or Donald Trump, and swipe BLUE for Biden, RED for Trump, or GREEN if they are undecided.
After you swipe, we will do the rest:
BLUE (Biden) swipes: we'll send them 2 texts with a helpful link to vote early and safely.
GREEN (undecided) swipes: our skilled volunteers will try to persuade them to vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
RED (Trump) swipes: we will remove them from our contact lists.
The power of SwipeBlue is that you can probably guess how your closer friends and relatives will vote.
So your BLUE, RED, and GREEN swipes will tell us exactly who to contact (or not) to make sure Joe Biden wins.
To prevent Trump from creating post-election chaos, we must make sure Joe Biden wins by a landslide.
SwipeBlue is the most powerful tool for beating Trump decisively and avoiding a post-election nightmare. Will you install SwipeBlue today?
Thanks for all you do.
Bob Fertik
p.s. we are adding features daily so if you find any bugs please email [email protected]