Help us prevent a second Trump term and the destruction it would bring.

NRDC Action Fund Activist,

This is the reality of the situation: The next president and his administraion will hold our country's future, and our environment's future, in their hands.

In just one Trump term, the U.S. went from leading the world in adopting the Paris climate agreement and making real progress on clean cars and clean energy to opening the Arctic Refuge to oil drilling and stripping away decades-old protections for our air and water.

We're witnessing the devastating impacts of a mishandled pandemic ravaging communities coast to coast — especially in Black and Brown communities that are disproportionately affected by climate change and dangerous pollution. Now, imagine what a second Trump term would bring.

We're fighting hard to make sure we never have to find out — and you can help by supporting our 2020 Election Drive with a match donation. Can we count on you to pitch in?

Donate now and your impact will be DOUBLED to help us get out the vote, stop Trump, and tip the scales on November 3. $1, $5, $10 — whatever you can give will help.

We're 17 days away from the most consequential election of our lifetimes, and it all comes down to which side can get more voters to cast their ballots by Election Day.

But right now, our records show that you have not yet joined this important campaign. Will you check your Election Drive 2020 status below and take advantage of our matching gift offer?

Campaign Status

YOU — ???


All gifts MATCHED $1-for-$1 — but only until October 23!

Donald Trump is counting on the roller coaster of these final days to distract, deflect, and deter people from turning out to vote. But we've been doing voter education and outreach with climate voters for months now, texting almost 2 million voters since the Super Tuesday primaries. We've helped register thousands of voters and recruited thousands of poll workers across the country. Climate voters will not be silenced. They will be heard.

These final days will make the difference. Will you step up and give today? >>

Thank you for supporting our work.


The NRDC Action Fund

Become an NRDC Action Fund member with a minimum donation of $10 per year. Donations to the NRDC Action Fund are used to mobilize citizens and lobby Congress on behalf of our environment and are not tax deductible as a charitable contribution or as a business expense. Prefer to make a tax-deductible gift? Donate to NRDC.

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The NRDC Action Fund is the 501(c)(4) affiliate of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).