Dear Friend, Gracias! We know that this has been a difficult year for all of us. We also know that you’ve received more emails from more campaigns than you can count, probably donated more than you ever have before and are likely volunteering or digging deep for one final push to defeat Donald Trump, hold the U.S. House of Representatives and flip the U.S. Senate. So the first thing we want to say is: thank you. We can’t win this fight without partners like you. Here at the NILC Immigrant Justice Fund (IJF), we’re also giving 150% of ourselves because we know the stakes are life and death in this election, especially for immigrant families and those of us who believe our country must reclaim its role as a beacon of hope for all of those seeking a better life. In addition to NILC’s powerful legal and legislative advocacy efforts defending immigrants who rely on the Defered Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) protections, co-leading the No Muslim Ban Ever campaign, fighting back against the public charge wealth test, and advocating for immigrants to be included in COVID relief policies, the IJF has been busy building and implementing an electoral advocacy program to help make Trump a one-term president. We’re doing this by communicating a pro-immigrant vision for our country that celebrates the role immigrants play and demonstrates to candidates and political campaigns that immigrants and immigrant families are valued as a political constituency. To that effect, and with your help, the IJF has: - Engaged and interacted with Presidential candidates from the primary to the general election on immigrant-inclusive policies and messages;
- As the head of the IJF, I co-chaired the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force on immigration and contributed to the Democratic Party’s platform;
- Commissioned and released ground-breaking messaging research to help guide candidates, campaigns and organizations on how to speak to persuadable voters about immigrants in a way that will resonate with those voters and make them more likely to support candidates who speak to those issues;
- Used our ground-breaking research to create digital ads reaching over 5 million viewers with pro-immigrant messages to persuadable voters in the battleground states of Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Arizona;
- Rallied our IJF Vote Team to text over 60,000 persuadable voters in North Carolina and Arizona -- and we’re not done yet; and
- Recruited 15,000 new activists this year alone who are taking action for immigrant inclusion.
At the IJF, we set out to show that candidates can embrace a pro-immigrant vision for America, and win campaigns by doing so. We feel good about what we have already accomplished to help make that case and you should feel good about your role in helping us carry out this tremendous work. We have 17 more days to go until the final vote is cast, and several days after that until the final vote is counted, but we want you to know we’re leaving no stone unturned and we’re redoubling our efforts to have the greatest impact possible. But we’re not done. If you want to help, please: |
Regardless of what happens on November 3 or in the weeks following, we know the road ahead will be challenging as we stay committed to our long-term vision of building a more just and equitable society for all of us. You can count on the NILC Immigrant Justice Fund to lead the fight for immigrant justice and to expand political power for immigrant families in the halls of Congress, state legislatures, in the courts, streets, and at the ballot box. Thank you, again, for being an invaluable partner on this road towards justice! Marielena Hincapié, NILC Immigrant Justice Fund |
Paid for by NILC Immigrant Justice Fund,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. |