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WATCH HERE: The Adrian Fontes Interviews

As you may (or may not know), there is only 17 days left until Election Day! And yet, some are still undecided!

Do you have such friends who don't know a lot about the local races, such as the local county recorder race? Then have no fear! Maricopa County Young Democrats are here!

We recently interviewed the Maricopa County Recorder Adrian Fontes, who is currently up for re-election, about the office he helped modernize and run more efficiently over his first term!

This interview covered a variety of topics, from the responsibilities of the Recorder's Office, to the purpose of early voting centers, the importance and challenges of voting access, as well as the origins of Phil the Ballot and more!

Click Here (or the Above Image) to Access the Full Playlist!  

Care for an MCYD button, sir?

In a first for Maricopa County Young Dems: We're proud to unveil the first of several Young Democrat-themed designed buttons!

They are a 2 1/2" sized pinback button and were produced in a limited quantity, and will create more based on the demand of the current inventory in our possession!  

So, if you want to reserve your own, email us at [email protected] for more details!

NEW video about early voting in Arizona! Additional videos Coming Soon!

How to Early Vote in AZ!

Have you seen the video Maricopa County Young Dems produced featuring Arizona's Secretary of State Katie Hobbs?

We shot the above video, where the secretary discussed the basics of early voting, how to sign up for the Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL), as well as important dates and methods how you can return your ballot. 

In these turbulent times where Trump denigrates and delegitimizes this essential function, as laid out in our constitution, we recommend this be a video you bookmark and/or forward to anyone curious about early voting! 

This isn't the
only video released with Secretary Hobbs, there's additional videos, such as tips how to change your voting address, how constant do you need to vote to remain on PEVL, as well as resources if you have any further questions about voting!

Click here to the watch the latest video about how to update your voting address!

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Then like, share or follow our account's content below!

We're committed to a recruiting young people to have an investment in local issues and we appreciate any new curious, friendly faces!
MCYD Twitter
Taylor Costello, Secretary of Maricopa County Young Democrats
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Maricopa County Young Democrats
2914 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ
Phoenix, AZ  85004
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