The economic effects of COVID-19 on young workers may persist for years, the report finds.
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New research ([link removed]) from EPI's Elise Gould and Melat Kassa makes clear young workers throughout our country have been hit hard by the COVID-19 economy. In short, workers ages 16 to 24 face high unemployment and an uncertain future.
Their report finds younger workers are the most likely to be unemployed or underemployed, least likely to be able to work from home, and more likely to work in industries and occupations with the largest job losses in the coronavirus-driven recession.
“Millions of workers of all ages have suffered devastating job losses in the current recession, but the economic impact on young workers has been even more intense. Not only have many young people in this country faced the harsh reality of returning to school without in-person classes at their high schools and colleges, the job prospects for those seeking employment have been particularly bleak.”
—Elise Gould, report co-author.
EPI is fighting every day for an economy that works for workers, not just the wealthy few. Our critical research and valuable economic reports provide both activists and policy makers with the data and policy recommendations needed to fight to raise wages and protect workers’ rights. ([link removed])
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Take a look at this EPI chart, which clearly shows that younger workers' economic prospects have been severely undermined during the pandemic:
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EPI's latest research finds that younger workers have had disproportionate job loss, in part, because of their concentration in the industries and occupations that were hardest hit by COVID-19.
The economic effects of the COVID-19 economy on young workers may persist for years, the report finds.
“While young workers are historically disadvantaged in weak economies, they have been even more negatively affected by the current recession,” said Kassa, who co-authored the report for EPI.
Donate to EPI today to power our efforts to generate critical research to fight for progressive economic change. ([link removed])
Thank you for all you do to fight for an economy that works for all of us, not just the wealthy few.
John Schmitt
Vice President, Economic Policy Institute
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