Welcome back to the Data for Progress newsletter, your weekly update on our research, blog posts, and memes.
Introducing the Election Night Integrity Project
On Thursday, we released one of our most exciting projects ever: the Election Night Integrity Project.
On Election Night, it will be easy to get lost in the thousands of information sources at your disposal — or worse, to receive inaccurate or misleading information from overly-confident pundits on political Twitter and cable news. The Election Night Integrity Project is the antidote to that, providing an educational, reliable, and accurate source of live information on the election results.
The project, created in collaboration with VoteAmerica and a variety of experts in election result reporting, is a one-stop dashboard that will allow you to watch the results roll in with information that’s typically only available to select political professionals, including benchmarks like the state’s past results and number of votes cast in 2016.
For example, here’s our data for Pennsylvania:

Because this election’s results may be especially challenging to follow due to the huge number of mailed ballots, we’ve also created two short guides to help you understand the results and avoid common pitfalls.
Check out the full dashboard here! And if you like our work and want to see more, please donate to Data for Progress by clicking here!
New Senate Polling: Democrats Leading in SC, GA, and IA!
In January of this year, the Cook Political Report labeled Lindsay Graham’s South Carolina Senate seat as “solid Republican” — the reddest possible rating. The report also listed Joni Ernst’s Iowa Senate seat and David Perdue’s Georgia Senate seat as “likely Republican.”
But with less than three weeks until Election Day, Democrats have put themselves in an incredibly strong position. Our new Progressive Senate Project polling finds Democrat Jaime Harrison up by one percent in South Carolina, Democrat Theresa Greenfield up by four percent in Iowa, and Democrat Jon Ossoff leading by one percent in Georgia!

As for Georgia’s other Senate race, we find Democrat Raphael Warnock with a plurality of support (30 percent), followed by Republicans Kelly Loeffler and Doug Collins (each with 22 percent) and Democrat Matt Lieberman (10 percent). If Warnock and Loeffler face off in a head-to-head runoff this January, we find that Warnock has a four-point edge in this matchup.
Voters Support Removing Traffic Enforcement from Police Purview in New York
Black Americans are stopped in traffic stops nearly 40 percent more often than white Americans — and these stops are regularly used by police to engage in significantly more invasive crime enforcement. But it doesn’t have to be this way: instead of overseeing traffic enforcement with armed officers, we can create a division of traffic safety within state or local departments of transportation.
In new polling, shared on our blog by New York State Senator Alessandra Biaggi, we find that a majority of New York voters — 54 percent — support removing traffic enforcement from police jurisdiction, while just 30 percent oppose.

We Added Texas to the Fuck Gerry(mandering) Fund!
The Fuck Gerry(mandering) Fund has raised nearly $1 million — and in addition to state legislature races in Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina, and Florida, new donations are now going to Texas campaigns as well! If we flip just nine of Texas’ 83 Republican-held House seats, Democrats will control the chamber. That would be HUGE for progressive policy and fair districting in America’s second-largest state.
Donate here!!
And if us telling you to donate to the Fuck Gerry(mandering) Fund isn’t enough, here’s Beto O’Rourke doing the same.
Data Bytes
Which Demographics Have Been “Masking Up” the Most?: Have men or women been more diligent about wearing masks? Are there any significant differences in mask-wearing between people living in urban, suburban, and rural areas? How about by age?
Brian Schaffner created a really cool new tool using Data for Progress’ tracking polls where you can compare the percentage of Americans in different demographics who say they’ve worn a mask in public places during the past two weeks. Here are the results for Democrats and Republicans:
The “Radical Socialist” Climate Plan Biden Proposes Is Actually Really Popular: The Trump campaign must not be looking at the polls, because they keep trying to attack Joe Biden’s climate plan even though it’s really popular with voters. Our polling finds that a majority of voters in four key states — Arizona, Iowa, Maine, and North Carolina — favor a $2 trillion investment over four years in clean energy (56 percent support, 27 percent opposed).

And even though both Biden and Kamala Harris made it abundantly clear that their campaign doesn’t back the Green New Deal, we find that this term is viewed favorably as well — 40 percent of voters think it’s a good idea, while 28 percent disagree.
From The Blog
Voters Support Removing Traffic Enforcement From Police Purview in New York
Introducing the Election Night Integrity Project
Memo: We Why Need a New Civilian Conservation Corps—And How to Do It
Media Hits
Campaign Experts React to Trump Covid Propaganda and Biden Climate Ads @Crooked Media
Mask wearing among Americans @Brian Schaffner
GOP Vows to Serve As Check on Biden’s Plans to Avert Depression @New York Magazine
Amy Coney Barrett’s Climate Dodge Isn’t Just Unscientific. It’s At Odds With Most Americans. @Huffington Post
Why Trump’s Efforts to Paint Biden as a Socialist Are Not Working @New York Times
Republicans Have Awful Priorities—They're Paying for It @Crooked Media
Lindsey Graham's Challenger Jaime Harrison Takes Narrow Lead in New Poll @Newsweek
Polls Show Iowa, Midwest Voters Side With Biden On Key Issues @Iowa Starting Line
Poll Supports Biden Banning Corporate Elites From His Administration @The American Prospect
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