Grassley Direct

I spoke with Brian Fancher of KLMJ in Hampton and Ty Rushing with the Northwest Iowa Review. We discussed the Supreme Court hearing and coronavirus relief.

Q&A: Rural Broadband


Q: How has COVID-19 intensified the need to bridge the digital divide in rural America?

Q: What steps did Congress take this year to improve rural broadband?

Quick Links

This week, we held a confirmation hearing over the course of four days for Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Judge Barrett’s qualifications—and character—are impeccable and her nomination has received praise across the legal profession and ideological spectrum.

But, Democrats spent much of their time distracting and distorting because this nominee is so qualified. The same Democrats who call Judge Barrett a threat to pre-existing conditions are the ones who blocked the recent COVID-19 relief bill.

Judge Barrett has clearly demonstrated her judicial independence, stellar qualifications and commitment to applying the law as written. Democrats need to show up, do their job and evaluate the nominee on her merits.

Post of the Week


For the 1st time in 40 yrs, Iowa had 2 senators vetting the president’s Supreme Court nominee in the judiciary cmte. Sen Ernst & I just left the last mtg we had w Judge Barrett after 3 days of hearing She did an outstanding job

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