

These are sad days in England as the Brits lose their minds.

Traditionally America’s greatest ally (after a rough start), England is butchering freedom like few other countries in the West.

The British attacks on freedom of speech (which are hard to fathom) are at an all time high as they silence their own people. Britain has targeted 40 Days for Life vigils with buffer zones, which have always been unanimously rejected by the Supreme Court in America (including by Ruth Bader Ginsburg).

Now, England is taking it to a new level by preventing even mentioning the issue of abortion--for or against--in newly implemented buffer zones. This is a blatant attack on freedom of speech from a nation that helped spread it around the world.

This year, the BBC, the Independent, HuffPost, and the Manchester Evening News are cheerleading abortion industry efforts to enact "no-protest zones" that would ban 40 Days for Life vigils.

Why is the British media falsely accusing peaceful prayer volunteers of intimidation and harassment?

As I shared in a recent vlog, the abortion industry will go after anyone who accepts the scientific reality that life begins at conception--even if you're the judicial version of Mother Teresa at a Supreme Court confirmation hearing.


If 40 Days for Life participants were routinely harassing abortion clients, there would be photographic and video evidence. Instead, the British media's articles are accompanied by photos of vigil participants calmly standing--or even sitting in lawn chairs--and praying quietly.

But those simple prayers save lives and remind even a thoroughly secular country like the UK that life is precious...and that makes the abortion industry nervous.


Madrid, Spain

Vigil participants in Madrid are also facing the threat of a buffer zone that would silence pro-life speech near abortion facilities.

The government is trying to amend the abortion law so that children can get abortions without their parents' consent, too.

In spite of those challenges, 40 Days for Life is growing in Madrid. Nayeli said more than 400 volunteers have joined her vigil in spite of pandemic lockdowns.

"Every day covered is a miracle," Nayeli said. "We have been living miracles all week."


St. Cloud, Minnesota

The St. Cloud team held a procession from an area church to Planned Parenthood, just two blocks away.

"We can't have big rallies, but we hope to have more of these processions with different churches and pastors leading," Judy said. "This would be very powerful during the last half of the campaign."


Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”

— Jeremiah 1:4-5

Lord God, we confess that in You we live and move and have our being. Because You are, we are. May we find grace from You to affirm the being of every human and may we labor to make this truth known to the world around us.

See today's full devotional

For life,


Shawn Carney
President/CEO, 40 Days for Life

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40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316