House Unanimously Passes Mental Health Services for Students Act

I am very pleased and grateful that my legislation, the Mental Health Services for Students Act (H.R. 1109), unanimously passed the House on September 29. Mental health services for our students are critically important and needed now more than ever during this pandemic. 

My discussions in recent weeks with San Gabriel Valley-area superintendents (pictured below) and teachers reflect this urgent need and make clear that we must equip our schools with resources to create a mental health plan as they navigate the ongoing pandemic. Read more here.



New Report on How the Coronavirus is Worsening America’s Mental Health Crisis

The U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee released a report this week on the profound impact the coronavirus pandemic is having on American’s mental health. 


I thank the Joint Economic Committee for releasing this report so the public can more fully understand the mental health challenges associated with the pandemic and that Congress can work together to ensure life-saving services for everyone in need. Read the full report here

If you or someone you know needs help, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

House Unanimously Passes Fallen Journalists Memorial Act

Even amid a global pandemic we see how journalists continue to provide an essential service to the public in fulfilling their duty to deliver the news. They put their lives on the line day in and day out, to protect our democracy and a free and independent press, and fallen journalists are deserving of special tribute. I was proud to introduce the Fallen Journalists Memorial Act (H.R. 3465) for these reasons, and thank all of my colleagues for supporting this bipartisan legislation.

"I am grateful to my former colleagues in Congress for approving this legislation and recognizing the sacrifices of those journalists who have been attacked, imprisoned and murdered around the world,” stated the Hon. David Dreier, former chairman of Tribune Publishing. “This memorial will be a testament to our commitment as a nation to the freedom of the press and an enduring symbol of freedom."

H.R. 3465 would authorize the Fallen Journalists Memorial Foundation to work to collect funds to establish a memorial in Washington, D.C. Read more here.


Students ages 17 to 22, who are interested in pursuing a nomination to the Air Force, West Point, Naval, Coast Guard, or Merchant Marine Academy will receive guidance directly from representatives of each of the academies to begin the nomination process as well as answers to any questions they may have.

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Grace F. Napolitano
Member of Congress
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