After I wrote this morning, hundreds of supporters stepped up in a big way. I'll admit I was worried we would fall short tonight, but now, we have just $972 left to raise, and with your help, I know we'll hit this goal.
PA-05 is one of eight swing state districts Democrats MUST win to ensure we take back the White House, so my team and I built a strategy to ensure we reach every person we need to win.
Will you give $5, $10, $25, or whatever you can now to help my team keep up our field efforts? You can give here:
If you have already given today, thank you. I am so grateful to have you on this team -- and I apologize for the extra emails. I hope you will consider it an update. But if you haven't given yet, I'm hoping we can count on you now to put us over the top.
Thanks for being part of our team.


Paid For By Scanlon For Congress

Scanlon For Congress
PO Box 263
Swarthmore PA 19081 United States
