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Dear John,

You may have heard that many big Canadian retail stores use receipts that contain toxic BPA or BPS. And because of this, cashiers are likely being exposed to these hormone disruptors every day at work. 

Exposure to bisphenols (including BPA and BPS) is increasingly linked to health conditions such as obesity, ADHD in children, and hormone-related cancers such as breast and prostate cancer.

To protect workers and consumers, we sent letters to leading Canadian retailers urging them to switch to bisphenol-free receipts by the end of the year.

After thousands of people sent letters to these retailers supporting our ask, Costco Canada announced its commitment to stop using receipt paper coated with BPA or BPS by the end of the year. This is big news! Now we need Loblaws, Metro, Sobeys, and Walmart, who employ thousands of cashiers and other workers, to follow Costco Canada’s lead and ditch toxic receipts.

Sign this petition to urge Loblaws, Metro, Sobeys and Walmart stop using receipts coated with toxic bisphenols!

Everyone should have the right to a safe and healthy work environment. Join us in telling these leading retailers that it’s unacceptable to expose their workers and customers to harmful chemicals.



Muhannad Malas
Program Manager, Toxics

P.S. Our work to kick out toxics is not possible without your support. Please support our campaign with a donation. Thanks in advance for all your help!



Environmental Defence Canada - 116 Spadina Avenue, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2K6

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