NEWS: Trump will host another COVID-19 superspreader event
tomorrow in Janesville, Wisconsin as cases and deaths continue to
spike in our state.
Trump doesn't care about the health of Wisconsinites.
He only cares about himself.
Wisconsinites have returned record numbers of absentee ballots,
but we have to keep it up if we're going to win. Chip in
before Trump arrives tomorrow to send the message loud and clear:
Trump MUST be defeated in swing state Wisconsin →
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This race is getting tighter and Trump knows our
state is a must win. He only won our state by 22,748 votes in
2016, and is getting scared because our people-powered movement
is working.
With only 18 days left, we have to keep investing in our voter
outreach if we're going to win and get real leadership in power.
We're doing Every. Single. Thing. And taking nothing for
granted. But we need your help to achieve a victory. Chip in now
to support our voter outreach teams as they push all the way
through November 3rd →
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Here's what we can't forget: On Election Day in 2016, Hillary
Clinton was ahead in the polling average by 6.5% in Wisconsin -
now, Biden is up 6.3%. So we have to fight this as though it's
neck and neck, because anything could happen between now and
election day.
We've been building for this moment since 2016. This is the final
stretch. Let's make sure Trump is a one-term president by
supporting the tidal wave of people-power working to defeat him.
Chip in now to support our voter outreach in this final
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-- WisDems
Paid for by the Democratic Party of Wisconsin
Ben Wikler, Chair
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