Hello Friend,
I'm writing you from Washington DC, the epicenter of Trump's rolling coup where I'm a volunteer organizer. I am asking you to donate to the work RefuseFascism.org is doing here on the ground to build towards the removal of this fascist regime. Every day we see this coup unfolding before our eyes. We must vote. But voting will not be enough. In the hearings on the hill last week, Amy Coney Barrett refused to endorse a peaceful transfer power. Christian Theocracy + Destroying the Elections = Fascism.
Yesterday we organized Handmaids to descend on the Supreme Court and outside the Senate's illegitimate hearings on Barrett to deliver a clear message: In The Name of Humanity, We Refuse To Accept A Fascist America. TheTrump/Pence Regime Must Go -NOW! Get In the Streets And STAY! We reached press around the world. We met many new people and organized them.

Refuse Fascism has a strategy: To overwhelm the fascist regime and their thugs in the streets with massive numbers in non-violent protests demanding the Trump/PenceRegime Must Go. Should we fail to do this now, on election day we will be outnumbered, demobilized and un-prepared.
> > We are calling on you today to donate today to grow this movement
Or, donate quickly via Venmo @Refuse-Fascism Cashapp $RefuseFascism or on Paypal
Help enable the OutNOW movement to reach and mobilize ever greater numbers of people until we overwhelm this regime's terror and lies with the sheer power of our nonviolent protest and win their removal from power.

Will you donate today so that we can begin now to bring forward thousands and reach millions, calling on them to be in the streets now?
Saturday, people are coming in from all over the country for a mass Handmaids contingent at the Women's March demanding Trump/Pence out Now. Some of our amazing volunteers have uprooted their lives to stay in Washington through the election to get this grassroots mass movement rolling.
We won't defeat Trump/Pence without this mobilization, and this will take big funds.
Can you
give today to people with a real strategy & plan for driving this regime out of office?

We are asking you to give everything you can to grow this fight and call on others to join you.
Donate for all the people locked in cages at the border; donate for all the women who will have their future & lives foreclosed by losing the right to control their own bodies; donate for all the LGBTQ people who will be slammed backwards; donate for all the Black people who will be murdered by white supremacist thugs and murdering police.
Give like your life depends on it. Because for millions of people - it will.
Emma Kaplan
volunteer organizer for RefuseFascism.org

NBC Nightly News

Outside the Barrett hearing

NY Daily News
Make a donation online
Donate via Venmo: @Refuse-Fascism | Donate via CashApp: @RefuseFascism
Send checks or money orders, payable to "Refuse Fascism"
To make a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more in support of Refuse Fascism's educational activities, please make checks out to "Alliance for Global Justice," a 501(3)(c) organization, note: Refuse Fascism
Refuse Fascism | (917) 407-1286 | 305 West Broadway #185 NY, NY 10013