From ADL Center on Extremism <[email protected]>
Subject An extremely timely podcast...
Date October 16, 2020 6:36 PM
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In these tense times, with the nation turning more and more of its attention to QAnon, Boogaloo, white supremacists and others who espouse hate in communities and online, it&rsquo;s more important than ever to stay informed so you can stand up, speak out and show strength.

There are three exciting new ways for you to stay current with ADL&rsquo;s Center on Extremism team as they investigate and disrupt emerging threats online and on the ground.

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This month, the Center on Extremism launched
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&ldquo;extremely,&rdquo; a new podcast that will change the way you think about modern hate and extremism &mdash; and what it might take to stop it in its tracks.

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Featuring candid, wide-ranging conversations with preeminent extremism experts, this podcast highlights the daily work of identifying and combatting dangerous trends, and provides listeners with practical tools for fighting back against extremism and hate in their own communities.

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Subscribe now on your preferred podcast platform; we&rsquo;ve already posted five compelling episodes with leading extremism experts. &ldquo;extremely&rdquo; is produced in partnership with American University&rsquo;s Polarization & Extremism Research & Innovation Lab.

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Listen to "extremely"

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The COE Monthly

The Center on Extremism&rsquo;s new monthly e-newsletter is the perfect way to get updates from our experts, analysts and investigators as we emerge from a summer marked by the COVID-19 pandemic and standoffs between civil rights protesters and armed groups.

We&rsquo;ve been keeping a close eye on extremist rhetoric around the election, as national and state races draw the attention of various extremist and hateful groups, and disinformation campaigns surge across social media platforms. This newsletter provides valuable insight into the issues and developments on our collective radar.

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Subscribe Today

&ldquo;At the Extremes&rdquo;

&ldquo;At the Extremes&rdquo; is a series of weekly news briefings exploring the role of extremists and extremism in our current political environment. You will find new posts every week throughout the election season at
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At the Extremes: The 2020 Election and American Extremism
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At the Extremes: Right-Wing Groups, Individuals, Cast Kenosha Shooter as a &ldquo;Hero&rdquo;
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At the Extremes: Conspiracy Theories and Anti-Asian Hostility on Twitter

P.S. Never Is Now starts on November 8! Never Is Now is the world&rsquo;s largest Summit on antisemitism and hate, and this year for the first time, it&rsquo;s virtual and free. With election season sparking divisive moments including the President&rsquo;s recent refusal to disavow QAnon during a nationally broadcast town hall discussion, our expert analysis of vital topics like Extremism and the Elections will keep you informed about developments in the fight against hate. Register today so you can add your voice to the global conversation in combating antisemitism and bias of all kinds.
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