We have to give you this update on the postal service:
CNN: “Trump-appointed USPS board stands by embattled postmaster general”
The USPS is still facing MAJOR problems from within. If we don’t continue to speak out, things will continue to get worse.
Federal judges have sided with Dem AGs and STOPPED some of Postmaster Louis DeJoy’s changes that have slowed deliveries and left behind mail. But DeJoy has already said that he can’t and won’t undo other harmful changes.
Tens of thousands of Americans have spoken up to stop these attacks on USPS, and we must keep up the pressure. Millions of voters are casting their ballots by mail this election, and with ballots being returned RIGHT NOW in the final 18 days until Election Day, we can’t back down from this crucial fight.
We need you to sign on: Demand that Postmaster General Dejoy is removed from his position now!
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