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Dear John,
In this challenging year, ADL wants to provide educators, administrators and families across the country with ways to help students better understand the antisemitism and extremism that have been fueled by the events of 2020, and to replace misinformation with facts.
The Never Is Now Summit is the world’s largest event on antisemitism, hate and bigotry, where top-level speakers will provide insights and information about the work being done to secure justice and fair treatment for all. This year Never Is Now is free and will be held online from Nov. 8-19.
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Registration is now open and FREE for you and your students.
This event provides an opportunity for expanding your knowledge and understanding of ADL’s antisemitism work, and for learning to confront bias and hate in all its forms. Topics include Antisemitism Across Borders, Extremism & The Election, How Hate has Moved from On Campus to Online, Hate Crimes Legislation, Diverse Jewish Voices on Current Issues and much more. Take a look at
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the Never Is Now agenda to see which sessions would be most meaningful for you and your students.
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Special High School Opportunities
New this year for high school students is the
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Edward Brodsky Student Fellowship at Never Is Now, where students from across the country can connect to build a collective understanding around bias and hate. Spaces in the Fellowship are limited to 50, and students must apply by next Friday, October 23, so please encourage students to
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apply now .
For all high school students and educators who take part in Never Is Now, there is also a special post-event session in December, so be sure to
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register for the high school track if that applies to you.
If you have questions about opportunities for educators and students at Never Is Now, please reach out to our staff at
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[email protected] .
We look forward to hosting you at this inspiring event. See you in November!
The Never Is Now team
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