
It’s hard to believe in 2020, but in all of American history, there have only been a total of ten Black U.S. Senators — and I’m one of them.

With widespread grassroots support from people like you, we made history together when I was elected New Jersey’s first Black U.S. Senator in 2013. Now, we have the opportunity to make a whole lot of history in the 2020 election less than three weeks from now.

There are six Black Democrats running for Senate right now, including my re-election campaign here in New Jersey. The other five are Mike Espy in Mississippi, Marquita Bradshaw in Tennessee, Rev. Raphael Warnock in Georgia, Adrian Perkins in Louisiana, and Jaime Harrison in South Carolina. And we all have a chance to win with your support.

Together, the Senate Six could not only make history by bringing more diversity to the Senate than ever before in our nation’s history, but we can single-handedly flip the Senate and take the gavel back from Mitch McConnell so we can start making progress for our communities.

All of these campaigns are counting on grassroots support to help them win this November, and I know with enough people power, we can succeed.

With just 18 days left, will you split a contribution between me, Mike, Marquita, Raphael, Adrian, and Jaime today to help us take back the Senate and make history?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be automatically processed and split between Mike Espy, Marquita Bradshaw, Raphael Warnock, Adrian Perkins, Jaime Harrison, and Cory Booker:

It’s about time the Senate looked more like the country it represents, and I’m so excited about the possibility of making that happen by electing these five strong Democratic leaders on November 3.

— Cory