From Downsize DC <[email protected]>
Subject How you can defend against President Kamala Harris
Date October 16, 2020 4:21 PM
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It makes sense to think ahead

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Defend against President Kamala Harris's policies with these steps...

It's reasonable to wonder if Donald Trump is going to lose. It's also reasonable to wonder about Joe Biden's ability to finish his term. Therefore, it's reasonable to wonder if Kamala Harris will be President soon.

Would this be a setback for the cause of criminal justice reform? Reason magazine has provided a good run-down ([link removed]) of Ms. Harris's track record. As California Attorney General she…
* Kept people in overcrowded prisons after a court said they should be released
* Resisted a ruling that the death penalty was unconstitutional
* Opposed making police wear cameras
* Refused to endorse sentencing reform
* Argued against free speech online
* Refused to intervene in a case where cops and prosecutors in her old district were accused of child exploitation
* Chased publicity with unconstitutional prosecutions
* Sought to punish parents whose kids missed school.
* Extorted money out of banks in the supposed interest of homeowners, yet gave the money to the state of California instead

How can we defend against or prevent similar actions if she becomes President?

Right now, everyone will tell you, go vote. But if you're leaning towards Trump/Pence or Biden/Harris, and you stay home on Election Day, they won't miss your solitary, little vote amongst the 120 million other Americans who will vote for one or the other. Moreover,, Inc. is a non-partisan organization that cannot and does not advocate for the election or defeat of any candidate. So we're absolutely NOT telling you who to vote for! Instead…

There is a better way for YOU to make a policy impact!

America's Founders gave us the means if only we will use it - checks and balances. One solution to a prosecutorial-minded Executive is a firmly resistant Legislative Branch. And…

You can give them the "spine" to resist.

You can use your constitutional power to petition for a redress of grievances. Hardly any Americans ever use this feature of the system, which makes it higher leverage for you. This power can work whether we're talking about a President Trump, a President Biden, or a President Harris.

The key is to reach critical mass in each Congressional district. Critical mass makes it seem daunting, but as I just pointed out, so few Americans are even aware of this strategy, let alone avail themselves of it. The need, therefore, is actually quite modest. Our critical mass is The 300. That's you and 299 of your neighbors willing to visit local congressional offices.

You'll do this in the company of others, to lobby for bills you like. We think it will be relatively simple to get sponsorships in a majority of districts using this tactic. Majority sponsorship will virtually guarantee the passage of our bills.

Which of our proposals would do the most to blunt a President Harris, or Biden, or Trump? We believe restoring federal parole would do the most to take non-violent offenders out of prison. Join me in becoming one of The 300 for that issue.
Join The 300 & restore federal parole ([link removed])

Or choose another proposal ([link removed]) that you like better.

Downsize DC runs on a lean budget. It's made possible, primarily, by modest monthly pledges. We seek one-time contributions, but our plan requires new pledgers right now. We provide several options by which you can contribute or start a monthly pledge ([link removed]) .

Jim Babka, President
Agenda Setters by Downsize DC

P.S. If you can't remember which idea you've signed up for, and which you haven't, go ahead and sign up again. It won't hurt anything.
Today's Action: Become one of The 300 to restore federal parole. ([link removed])

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