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The Home Stretch: Trump, Biden and NYC's Housing Crunch

 News of the Week

Oh Yeah, the Judges: A Quick Guide to NYC’s 2020 Judicial Ballot
On November 3, New York City voters will elect judges who will guide and decide civil and criminal cases for a decade or more. See who's on your ballot.

Eight Months into Pandemic, Senior Center Doors Remain Shut
The de Blasio administration has no schedule for reopening the centers, and it seems likely the sites will not offer in-person services until 2021.

Could a New ‘New Deal’ Put Artists to Work Shaping the City?
Eight decades ago the government responded to economic disaster with jobs programs that also beautified public spaces. It might be time for another one.

On Crime and Justice, Both Biden and Trump Have Long Records
From the Central Park Five and the ’94 Crime Bill to Black Lives Matter, the dueling candidates have a track record and a distinct policy vision.

Trump and Biden are in Different Worlds on Housing
The president has emphasized protecting suburbs from low-income intrusion. The Democratic nominee wants to spend billions to ease the housing crunch.

Where the 2020 Candidates Stand on Healthcare
We know Donald Trump hates Obamacare. We know Joe Biden loves it. What else have the two presidential contenders said about the healthcare system?

Is NYC's Recovery on the Ballot November 3?
There’s little doubt either Trump or Biden will push through some relief package after Election Day. What do we know about what either candidate’s strategy will mean for New York City?


"I wish there was more political will, but I also think New York is home to many great artists doing really important work depicting the city they’re in and they’d like to be. Public art in service of activism is really inspiring and gives me hope.'

Museum of the City of New York curator Lilly Tuttle on how the city's economic recovery should engage artists

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Mapping The Future  Voices of New York  Una Ciudad sin Limites

Una Ciudad sin Límites

ICE se reactiva en Nueva York y los defensores de inmigrantes exigen una investigación
Después de que las operaciones bajaran en la ciudad durante la pandemia, los agentes de ICE han estado activos una vez más en vecindarios como Sunset Park, Red Hook, Bay Ridge y Fort Greene en Brooklyn, así como en el alto Manhattan y el Bronx, según los defensores.

Podcast: ¿Cuáles son las implicaciones en las elecciones luego de que el presidente Trump diera positivo?
¿Qué significa cuando el tema principal en una elección presidencial es un virus, y es un virus que tiene el presidente?

Su guía para las elecciones en Nueva York 2020
De la presidencia de los Estados Unidos a la de Queens, de la cámara de representantes al concejo municipal, los votantes de la ciudad de Nueva York tendrán muchas decisiones que tomar el 3 de noviembre.


Democracy is in the Details
The 2020 elections are easy to paint in broad strokes.
But what happens afterward will be about the fine print.

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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics

Opinion: City’s Move to Vacate UWS Hotel Shelter is Adding ‘Trauma on Top of Trauma,’ Resident Says
‘After hearing that I would be kicked out of the Lucerne, I felt traumatized – dehumanized at the thought of being moved from shelter to shelter like a pawn on a chessboard during a global pandemic.’

Opinion: NY Must Act to Stop ‘Warehousing’ of Vacant Affordable Apartments
'While New York City is experiencing a severe shortage of affordable housing and increase in homelessness both before and amidst the pandemic, landlords are holding thousands of affordable units off the market.'

Opinion: NY Must Contend with its System of ‘Passive’ Voter Suppression
'Research has found that as many as 50 percent of formerly incarcerated New Yorkers who are re-enfranchised mistakenly think that they remain ineligible to vote.’


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