New PLF documentary: Dream Factories

New York City’s Specialized High Schools are among the best in the world. They’ve produced 14 Nobel Prize winners—more than many countries. The schools are free, and open to anyone who can pass a rigorous admissions test. Meanwhile, the city’s regular public schools are in bad shape.

To distract from failing public schools, the de Blasio administration set its sights on changing the racial balance of the Specialized High Schools, implying that too many Asian students attend, and too few Blacks and Hispanics.

Our newest documentary, Dream Factories, explores the impact of de Blasio’s racial balancing schemes.

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Communities can force government action to stop out-of-control wildfires

Every year, more of America’s forests burn. For months now, Americans throughout entire time zones have been inundated with ash and smoke from woodlands, neighbors’ homes, and ecosystems that will take years to recover.

Yet despite this predictable yearly carnage, the solutions our government can and should immediately take are lost among generalizations and talking points. Public officials on both sides of the aisle have lobbed excuses at each other over the “true” cause of these wildfires: “It’s bad forest management!” “No, it’s climate change!”

Tony Francois says they are both right and they are both wrong.

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Supreme Court to hear important Voting Rights Act case

The Voting Rights Act is one of the most successful pieces of legislation ever enacted. In the years immediately after its passage, record numbers of African-Americans registered and voted. Indeed, by 2012 African-American voting rates were the highest of any demographic in the country. 

Nevertheless, each election cycle we see a scourge of election-related litigation that alleges various state and local voting changes are discriminatory. This year is no exception. The Supreme Court will hear two cases involving Arizona’s prohibition of “ballot harvesting” and its policy against counting votes cast in incorrect precincts. 

Chris Kieser explains that while these cases will shape election law for decades, their implications for equality under the law are just as important.

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