Welcome to your weekly Rundown, for the week ending October 16.
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It’s Happening… US to Build Two New Advanced Nuclear Reactors
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on Tuesday selected TerraPower LLC (Bellevue, WA) and X-energy (Rockville, MD) to receive $80 million each in initial funding to build two advanced nuclear reactors that can be operational within seven years under the new Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program (ARDP). Read DOE’s announcement here
ClearPath Executive Director Rich Powell and Program Director Niko McMurray wrote a piece explaining the timeline of the ARDP, why it's important and provided some background on the two companies chosen. Read their blog here
ICYMI: We recently hosted a webinar that featured TerraPower and GE Hitachi’s new reactor design: Natrium. Watch it here

Microsoft signs onto carbon capture project
On Wednesday, Microsoft signed a memorandum of understanding with Equinor ASA, Norway's government-owned oil company, to serve as the technology partner for the Northern Lights initiative. Microsoft pitched its involvement as a way to research and develop new carbon capture technologies. This marks the company’s first significant move to fulfill its goal of offsetting more carbon than it emits over the next decade. Read more

Sen. Murkowski, Rep.Luria Urge NDAA Conferees
to Include NELA in Final Conference Report
This week, Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Rep. Elaine Luria (D-VA) led 29 of their colleagues in a bipartisan letter to the Chairmen and Ranking Members of the House and Senate Armed Services Committees, urging them to include the text of the Nuclear Energy Leadership Act (S. 903/H.R. 3306) in the final Fiscal Year 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The Provisions of this bipartisan bill have been included in the Senate’s NDAA and the House of Representatives’ Clean Economy and
Jobs Innovation Act. Read more
Rich's Take
“NELA would serve as the next big nuclear innovation catalyst. It would accelerate the commercialization of next generation nuclear reactors that are designed to have a small footprint, always-on reliability, increased efficiency, and can be even less vulnerable to proliferation than earlier designs. Right now, China and Russia are developing and exporting advanced reactors around the world. If we do not reassert our leadership in this geopolitically important field of nuclear energy now, we risk falling way behind – or losing it. We need NELA on the defense bill to get advanced nuclear energy back on the launch pad.”

U.S. Hydro Industry Teams Up with Conservation Community
On Tuesday, the U.S. hydropower industry and the environmental and conservation community, including American Rivers, World Wildlife Fund and Union of Concerned Scientists, among others, shared an important new agreement, the “Joint Statement of Collaboration on U.S. Hydropower: Climate Solution and Conservation Challenge." This statement represents a significant initial step in helping to address climate change by both advancing the renewable energy and storage benefits of hydropower and the environmental and economic benefits of healthy rivers. Read the joint statement

Terrestrial Energy USA and Centrus Energy Partner on Fuel Supply for IMSR Generation IV Nuclear Plants
Terrestrial Energy USA and Centrus Energy Corp. have signed a memorandum of understanding to secure fuel supply for a future fleet of Integral Molten Salt Reactor (IMSR) power plants. The two companies will evaluate the logistical, regulatory, and transportation requirements to establish fuel supply, which use standard-assay low-enriched uranium (LEU). Read more
ClearPath On the 2020 Milken Institute Global Conference
ClearPath Executive Director Rich Powell joined the Milken Institute for a discussion on climate change, moderated by Brian Sullivan of CNBC. The panel discussed the subsequent consequences that have led to high-profile energy companies examining their product portfolios and making net-zero commitments.
Watch the panel here

Trump Signs Trillion Trees Executive Order
On Tuesday, President Trump signed an Executive Order (EO), bolstering the U.S.’ role in the World Economic Forum’s One Trillion Trees Initiative. The EO created the One Trillion Trees Interagency Council, which will include representatives from 14 federal agencies. Read the Executive Order here
This order also aligns with several of the climate and energy infrastructure solutions unveiled by House Republicans earlier this year. E&C GOP Leader Greg Walden (R-OR) joined House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and others in promoting several initiatives, including the Trillion Trees Act led by Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-AR), to reduce carbon emissions, address climate change risks, and foster innovation and job growth. Read E&C Republicans' release here
Also included in the House GOP climate management platform was an extension of the 45Q incentive. WATCH our whiteboard video describing the future benefits 45Q can provide.
Brady, McCarthy Introduce the Commitment to American GROWTH Act
Last week, House Ways and Means Ranking Member Kevin Brady (R-TX) and House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) introduced the Commitment to American GROWTH Act (H.R. 11), which among other things, would double the R&D tax credit from 20 to 40 and the alternative simplified credit from 14 to 28. Read more
GE commits to carbon neutrality by 2030
GE announced a new goal of achieving carbon neutrality for operations by 2030 which will include significant investments in innovation and strengthening their nuclear power, natural gas and hydrogen operations. Larry Culp, Chairman & CEO at GE said, “Climate change is undoubtedly among the foremost challenges, and we have been sharpening our strategic focus on GE’s role in helping solve the global energy transition.” Read more

A Simpler, Dedicated Pathway for Advanced Nuclear Reactor Licensing
Alex Gilbert, a Project Manager at the Nuclear Innovation Alliance, and ClearPath’s Niko McMurray wrote a column examining how private sector innovators are currently paving the way for advanced reactors to begin producing clean energy. Due to the differences between these technologies and the existing fleet of large light-water reactors, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is modernizing its review process. A modernized approach will be a gamechanger for future American reactor designs, enabling their deployment to aid in
Read their column here

Strengthening the U.S. Financial System and Expanding Economic Opportunity
ClearPath Executive Director Rich Powell recently testified before the House Select Committee on the Crisis on, “Creating a Climate Resilient America: Strengthening the U.S. Financial System and Expanding Economic Opportunity.”
In his testimony, Rich discussed how to help achieve clean, reliable, affordable and exportable energy in the U.S. including these five topics:
- Climate change and its economic risks
- Reducing these risks through global emissions mitigation and local adaptation;
- The challenges of changing developing countries’ emissions trajectories;
- A strategy for America to lead on solving the global climate challenge;
- and Opportunities to build on last Congress’ bipartisan clean innovation record.
Check out his testimony here

Event: What does the 2020 Election mean for Clean Energy?
ClearPath co-hosted the National Hydropower Association’s Path to Clean Energy Virtual Event, “What does the 2020 Election mean for Clean Energy?” The 2020 elections are right around the corner, with the balance of Congress and the presidency in play. No matter the outcome, we need to consider how the election could shape the evolving U.S. electricity system. The panelists explored the presidential candidates’ energy policies and discussed which clean energy proposals could advance in a new Congress, depending on the election outcome.
Moderated by Malcolm Woolf, NHA’s President and CEO, the event included:
- Rich Powell, Executive Director, ClearPath
- Karen Wayland, kW Energy Strategies
- Jim Connaughton, Former White House CEQ Chairman; President and CEO of Nautilus Data Technologies
- Katherine Hamilton, Chair at 38 North Solutions and co-host of Energy Gang podcast
Watch the panel here
October 19-23: Nuclear Science Week is an international, broadly observed week-long celebration to focus local, regional and international interest on all aspects of nuclear science. Learn more about next week's events.
October 19: Join BERC Law and Graduate BERC at 8:30pm EDT for a discussion of the energy platforms for the upcoming 2020 presidential election. The panel will cover each party’s energy platform as well as energy and resources topics more broadly. ClearPath Managing Policy Director Jeremy Harrell is a panelist. More details and registration information here
October 21 & 22: The Global CCS Institute and U.S. Energy Association, with the support of the Department of Energy's Office of Fossil Energy, will host two days of panels exploring opportunities to deploy CCS projects in Texas.
Registration for Oct. 21
Registration for Oct. 22
October 22: The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and Women in Nuclear Washington, D.C. chapter are hosting, “The Nuclear Low-Carbon Conversation” to promote Nuclear Science Week and build awareness of nuclear’s critical role in clean energy and a low-carbon future. More details and registration information here
October 28: The Cleantech Group is hosting a webinar at 11:00am EDT on, “Nuclear Innovation and Deep Decarbonization: Can Innovation Transform the Global Energy System?” More details and registration information here
October 29: The Versatile Test Reactor team is hosting a webinar at 12:00pm EDT on, “Advancing U.S. Nuclear Research and Development – A Briefing and Discussion on the VTR” to share information about the project, research capabilities and next steps as a follow up to the recent announcement by the U.S. Department of Energy that it has approved Critical Decision 1. The panel will focus on U.S. competitiveness, energy, new innovation capabilities, and other drivers. More details and registration information here