Down to the wire: CND election special

There are less than three weeks to go until the US Presidential election, the result of which will have huge repercussions for the world. For the past four years, CND has campaigned against Donald Trump's policies and played a crucial part in the Together against Trump coalition. His presidency has ushered in a new era of militarism where the international order is collapsing and the risk of nuclear confrontation and war has increased.

So what will the result on November 2nd mean for the US' nuclear weapons arsenal, for international agreements and relations? Join CND's 'Down to the Wire' election special to discuss.

We'll be joined by guest speakers Phyllis Bennis, Fellow at the Institute of Policy Studies in Washington; Vincent Intondi, author of ‘African Americans Against the Bomb’; and Margaret Kimberley, from the Black Alliance for Peace. There will be plenty of time for questions during the webinar.
  • Down to the Wire: CND election special
  • Saturday 31 October, 2pm-3pm
  • Register via Zoom


The result of the election will also have a huge impact on the trade deal a post-Brexit UK is trying to agree with the US. This deal could harm services, standards, rights and democracy.  We can stop it, but we need to make our voices heard.

Join Global Justice Now, War on Want, Keep Our NHS Public, Traidcraft, Stop Trump, Another Europe is Possible and others on Saturday, October 24th for a day of action against a deal, including a socially distanced demonstration.

Real security – lessons from the pandemic
- last chance to register!

Registration for the second day of CND's Annual Conference closes 4pm tomorrow (Saturday) so don't hesitate, reserve your place now.

Hosted by London Region CND, the online conference takes place Sunday 18th October and we’re very glad to have Jeremy Corbyn MP, Professor Paul Rogers and Mayor of Newham Rokhsana Fiaz joining us, among others.

Click here for more information and to register.

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