In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news
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A security worker told a police officer about a praying "crank" at the Manchester Arena about 30 minutes before the blast that killed 22 people and injured
hundreds more, an inquiry has heard.
Why should any student be forced to attend a mandatory mass a couple of times a year, an event that has nothing to do with their education or the beliefs of
a considerable chunk of the people who attend the school, or those who work there, asks Jade Hayden.
A coalition of more than 60 state prosecutors and attorneys general from across the country declared Wednesday that they would not enforce laws that
criminalise abortion, even if the Supreme Court overturned the 1973 decision that legalised it nationwide.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has said 'religious practices' within Orthodox Jewish communities has caused the renewed spread of Covid-19 in New York City
and other hot spot zones within the state.
Canada's Catholic bishops have criticised the "potential overreach" of a proposed government ban on conversion therapy, arguing that the legislation's "very
disconcerting ambiguity" poses a threat to freedom of religion.
Sexual minority groups and human rights activists launched a petition on Thursday calling for an LGBT equality law in Japan in hopes that it can be enacted
next year, when the country is to host the Olympics and will be the focus of international attention.
The arrest of Mubarak Bala has foregrounded the dangerous situation of humanists and the vicious threat of Islamic extremism in Nigeria, says Leo Igwe.
The End of Life Choice Act 2019 would allow those with a terminal illness to apply to terminate their life. Although the act has passed through parliament it
will only come into force if more than 50% of voters tick "yes".
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