John –

I just got finished doing a joint town hall with my friend and colleague, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Over the course of 90 minutes, we discussed the critical issues of housing justice and environmental justice with her constituents from New York and mine from Oregon.

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

The two of us have been working on these issues for the last two years and, if everyone does their part, we will be able to actually see legislative success in the next Congress. We cannot wait.

Every day we are seeing more and more people under threat of losing their homes.

The climate emergency grows worse every hour. We certainly saw that here in Oregon with the wildfires and we're seeing it get worse well into mid-October.

Now is the time to do everything we can because the decisions that we make in the next 19 days will determine whether we are able to confront and start solving these crises or whether we may lose it all.

Please help with a contribution of $7 so that I can finish the work that my team and I began months ago, supporting over 80 congressional races around the country. We must strengthen our majority in the House and tackle these crises head on.

The time is now, the answer is us...all of us!



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