proved tonight that our campaign will give Mainers the senator they deserve.

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John —

I just stepped offstage after my debate with Senator Collins.

For those of you who watched tonight, I hope I made you proud. I know that our campaign will be the one to give Mainers the senator they deserve, someone who can be trusted to stand up to Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump.

But the truth is, even after this debate, there are a large number of Mainers who haven’t heard from our campaign yet. About six percent of voters are still undecided.

That’s why I’m asking you to make a contribution tonight — so we can finish these final three weeks strong, and reach all the remaining undecided voters before Election Day. If you can, please chip in using the link below:

I’ve been so touched by the outpouring of support from committed grassroots supporters recently.

My team showed me a list of people who chipped in, and it left me completely floored.

Those moments remind me that — as I fight my heart out to give Mainers a senator they can trust to stand up for them — I am not alone. I have all of you fighting alongside me.

Thank you for that.


Sara Gideon

Because of supporters like you, we are in a strong position to defeat Susan Collins and flip Maine’s Senate seat. But we have to keep pushing for these final 19 days.

Make a contribution to support Sara Gideon’s campaign for U.S. Senate today.



Sara Gideon for Maine
PO Box 812
South Freeport, ME 04078

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