From Muthoni Wambu Kraal <[email protected]>
Subject DNC Updates and Events [October 15 2020]...
Date October 16, 2020 12:15 AM
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Dear Friends-

In less than 30 minutes we hope you’ll tune in to watch ([link removed]) Vice President Joe Biden’s town hall tonight at 8pm ET on ABC. Tonight, he will be discussing the issues that matter most to voters. Simultaneously, the DNC War Room will be fact checking Trump’s lies during his event via @DNCWarRoom ([link removed]) and press releases.

Vice President Biden was prepared to accept the debate commission’s proposal for a virtual town hall, but Trump refused because he does not want to face questions from the voters about his failures on COVID and the economy. Given Trump’s refusal to participate in this week’s planned town hall debate, we hope the Debate Commission will make the final October 22 debate a town hall format, so Trump is not able to evade accountability. Voters should have a chance to directly ask questions of both candidates at the same time.

There are several ways you can amplify Vice President Biden’s ABC News town hall tonight:
* Remind your networks about tonight’s event ([link removed]) on ABC
* Download Greenfly and share the latest content on social media
* Amplify ([link removed]) as a resource for voters during the last 19 days of the election

We are 19 days out from November 3, and I could not be more excited about the momentum we are seeing in the states. Voters across the country are breaking turnout records, and more than 17 million ballots ([link removed]) have already been cast! As determined voters turn out in droves, Democrats are continuing to fight back against voter suppression and ensure every voter has a chance to make their voice heard in this election.

I commend the work of Harris County, Texas Clerk Chris Hollis and Judge Lina Hidalgo. They have taken obstacles created by Republicans and turned them into opportunities for voters, creating drive-thru voting ([link removed]) for the first time in Texas’ history. During an interview with reporters, Judge Hidalgo said, “We shouldn’t let ourselves be discouraged or muzzled by the state’s actions.” Even in the midst of such unscrupulous tactics, the will to vote remains undeterred.

I am loving the wonderful attitudes from voters across the battlegrounds. People are proud to have made a plan to vote. These inspiring voters have grit, backbone, and a bit of sass! They are definitely keeping their eyes on the prize.

Yours in the Fight,


In this Update:

* Biden Town Hall in Philadelphia
* Amy Coney Barrett’s hearing
* New DNC Video: President Obama Helps Americans Make A Plan To Vote
* DNC War Room Released a New Television Ad, “Tested Positive”
* Download the Vote Joe App
* Campaign, Volunteer, and Phone Banking Opportunities
* Vice President Biden: Updates

Biden Town Hall in Philadelphia

ABC News announced that it will hold a town hall with Vice President Joe Biden ([link removed]) tonight at 8PM ET, allowing voters to ask questions less than a month before Election Day. ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos will moderate the prime-time event in Philadelphia.

Amy Coney Barrett’s Hearing
Senator Kamala Harris
Senator Kamala Harris directly stated during the first day of senate hearings that Republicans are more focused on getting a seat on the Supreme Court filled than helping Americans. She stated “Senate Republicans have made it crystal clear that rushing a Supreme Court nomination is more important than helping and supporting the American people who are suffering from a deadly pandemic and a devastating economic crisis.”

WATCH HERE ([link removed])

Senator Dianne Feinstein
In today’s Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Amy Coney Barrett refused to give Senator Feinstein a straight answer when pressed on whether she'll vote to overturn a woman's right to choose. But we already know that Barrett would roll back the clock on reproductive rights because she has made clear she opposes reproductive choice and has expressed hostility towards Roe v. Wade.

WATCH HERE ([link removed]) :

Senator Coons
Senator Coons made the context of Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination clear: just one week after the election, the Supreme Court will hear a case where Barrett could be the deciding vote to terminate the entire Affordable Care Act, including its protections for people with preexisting conditions.

WATCH HERE ([link removed]) :

What’s at stake: Health care for more than 20 million; protections for people with Disabilities and patients with preexisting conditions; one of our most critical tools to combating COVID; and more.
* Comprehensive Coverage: The ACA established what are known as “essential health benefits,” mandating coverage of services like prescription drugs and hospitalization. Coronavirus testing and treatment are essential health benefits and must be covered by all ACA-compliant plans.

* Access To Critical Vaccinations Without Cost Sharing: Once a coronavirus vaccine is developed, the Affordable Care Act will almost certainly cover the coronavirus vaccine without cost-sharing, because it requires plans to cover all vaccinations recommended by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Joe Biden has also committed ([link removed]) to ensuring a vaccine for COVID-19 is cost-free for Americans.

* Protections For As Many As 133 Million Americans with Disabilities and Preexisting Conditions: Under the ACA, insurance companies are not allowed to discriminate against those with preexisting conditions by denying them coverage or charging higher rates.

* Coverage for 20+ Million People: Because of the ACA, more than 20 million Americans gained health coverage. People with insurance are much more likely to see a doctor when they are sick and to get the treatment they need.

* Increased CDC Funding: The Affordable Care Act established the CDC Prevention and Public Health Fund, which helps states prepare for disease outbreaks.

* Medicaid Expansion: Because of the ACA, states can get additional federal money to expand Medicaid to vulnerable populations. More than 17 million Americans now have coverage through Medicaid expansion. Importantly, Medicaid’s funding structure allows funds to increase in response to a public health emergency like coronavirus.

* Key Support For Rural Hospitals: The ACA significantly reduced uncompensated care costs. Between 2013 and 2015, hospitals’ uncompensated care costs decreased by $12 billion, or roughly 30 percent. As hospitals face an influx in coronavirus patients, it is critical that they are paid for the treatment they provide.

New DNC Video: President Obama Helps Americans Make A Plan To Vote

The DNC released new,state-specific voter education videos ([link removed]) featuring former President Barack Obama, who encourages Americans to ([link removed]) to learn about their different options to cast their ballot and make a plan to vote today.

WATCH HERE ([link removed]) :

DNC War Room released a new television ad, “Tested Positive ([link removed]) ,”

The DNC War Room released a new television ad, “Tested Positive ([link removed]) ,” that highlights how, even after contracting the coronavirus, Trump continues to put lives at risk by ignoring experts, holding in-person superspreader events, and lying to the American people. His behavior continues to put lives at risk.
* Trump’s reckless and erratic behavior is making the coronavirus crisis worse.
* Trump is endangering Americans by continuing to lie about COVID-19 while restarting potential superspreader events.
+ Even after Dr. Fauci said Trump hosted a “superspreader event ([link removed]) ” and warned that Trump’s crowded in-person rallies were “asking for trouble ([link removed]) ,” Trump has ignored public health guidelines and held packed, largely maskless rallies.
+ Trump misled Americans by using Dr. Fauci’s months-old commentsout of context ([link removed]) and without his permission in a campaign ad, and this morning is attacking Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert.
+ The White House won’t be transparent with the American people and isrefusing ([link removed]) to say when Trump last tested negative for the coronavirus prior to his diagnosis.


Get out the vote to friends and family by downloading the Vote Joe app ([link removed]) . Through the app you can reach out to your community and provide key voting resources. Please encourage those within your networks to download the app to receive reliable voting information from the Biden campaign.

Full-Time Paid Positions
2020 Victory is seeking Regional Get Out the Vote Directors to help battleground states implement GOTV and Early Vote programming. You can read the job description and apply here ([link removed]) . Ideal candidates are available to start ASAP and live in their state.

Check out pages for the DNC Coordinated Campaign ([link removed]) and Biden for President ([link removed]) for additional job openings.

Volunteer Late Help

In the final stretch, we want you and your community to volunteer with us! We have a wide variety of opportunities for volunteers depending on availability, experience and location. We have in person and virtual roles to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to help elect Joe Biden and Kamala HarrisThere are many ways to engage and support the campaign based on what works best for you and your community. We can also connect directly with any organization to coordinate larger partnerships.

1. In Person Opportunities:
* Canvassing: We have opportunities for volunteers to knock doors in many battleground states. Each of these states has enacted measures to ensure and prioritize the health and safety of all of our volunteers, staff, and voters. Volunteers will need their own transportation and will have to attend a mandatory virtual training before canvassing. Find the list of canvassing opportunities HERE. ([link removed])
* Voter Activation Centers Leads: To support our in-person activities, we will have supply hubs which will store required items for in-person activities, such as literature, yard signs, and more to support canvassing, visibility and line management. We will need late help volunteers to staff and coordinate activities in these hubs during GOTV. Sign Up Here ([link removed]) .
* Other Late Help Roles (Full Time Commitment): Volunteers will be assigned to a state to be part of their voter contact or other GOTV needs. These volunteers may take on special projects or organizing roles. Example Roles: Special Projects, Organizers, Advance Leads, Training Leads. Sign Up Here ([link removed]) .

2. Virtual Opportunities:
* Make Calls: Sign up for a Distributed Organizing Phone Bank shift (Training Required): [link removed] ([link removed])
* Text Voters: Sign up for a Distributed Organizing Text Banking shift (Training Required): [link removed] ([link removed])
* Attend a relational organizing strategy session: [link removed]
* Join Distributed Slack (The Distributed team’s online field office):

[link removed] ([link removed])

Join the Call Crew
If you’re not able to join for a stretch of time but want to help the campaign, you can make calls or send texts from home. Join the call crew ([link removed]) or text team ([link removed]) , and find more opportunities at the Biden for President Action Center ([link removed]) . Please share these links with friends and family!

Voter Protection Hotline Support
We still need thousands more voter protection team members ready to help ensure eligible voters can cast a ballot. There are only a few weeks left to recruit the additional help we need. Join us for a phone bank to help with this effort! This work is critical to electing Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democrats up and down the ballot!

National Voter Assistance Hotline! ([link removed]) (833-DEM-VOTE)
* Who: 2020 Victory Voter Protection
* When: Now! We have shifts every day!
* What is the work: Help us elect Joe Biden and Democrats up and down the ballot by staffing the national voter protection hotline, answer questions from voters around the country and help people exercise their right to vote!
* Why is it urgent: Voting has started in many states and more people than ever are calling our hotline with questions about how to request their ballot in the mail or navigate in person voting this fall. This work is critical to electing Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democrats up and down the ballot!
* Length of Commitment: A shift is typically 3 hours.

Voter Protection Attorneys

Poll Worker Opportunities/Volunteering on the ground: DNC ([link removed]) and BFP ([link removed]) may have in-person opportunities for attorneys to assist with election efforts on the ground.
DNC Disability Council and Voter Protection

The DNC Disability Council and Voter Protection program are partnering to expand the accessibility focus of our Election Protection Plans. We are actively recruiting volunteer lawyers, law students and disability advocates (non-attorneys) to join the team. We also need people who are fluent in American Sign Language (ASL). Prospective volunteers can sign up here ([link removed]) .

* Team Biden Campaign Disability Coalition Weekly Phone Bank Action 7:00pm-9:00pm ET every Wednesday. Register here ([link removed]) .
* Veterans Military Families and Friends 4:30 to 6:00pm EST every Monday through November 2. Register here ([link removed]) .
* Sister to Sister: Mobilizing in Action Weekly Phonebank (Every Saturday at 2 PM ET): Join Sister to Sister: Mobilizing in Action and Higher Heights PAC each Saturday to make calls into key battleground states so we can win big this November. And with special guest, Congressional Candidate Desiree Tims! RSVP HERE ([link removed]) .
* Women in Power Hour Phone Bank (Every Sunday at 2 PM ET): Every week, we adopt a different swing state and make calls for an hour! RSVP HERE. ([link removed])
* All Women for Biden Events: We have so many ways to take action every week, across all our different identities. Check out the full list here. ([link removed])
* Women for Biden Weekly Phone Bank- Women across the United States come together to phone bank for Vice President Joe Biden! This phone bank includes a short training at the beginning of the event. Every Tuesday through November 3. Register here ([link removed]) .
* Women for Biden: Millennials & Gen Z Weekly phone bank-Join young women from across the country every Wednesday night at 8pm ET for a virtual phone bank to help elect Joe Biden. Training will be provided every Wednesday at the start of the call. Every Wednesday through November 3. Register here ([link removed]) .
* Texas Muslim Phonebanking for Biden. Every Tuesday through November 3. Register here ([link removed])
* National AAPIs for Biden Weekly Call & AAPIs Assemble! Join Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) for Biden every Wednesday through Election Day, as we come together--or Assemble! to hear from leaders and surrogates from the AAPI community during our National AAPI Program at 7:00 PM ET/ 4:00 PM PT. Every Wednesday through November 3. Register here ([link removed]) .
* Spanish-language voter contact events (Phone banks, text banks). Join various Spanish language events across the US, including phone banks, text banks, house parties and planning meetings with Latino communities. Register here ([link removed]) .
* Latino Victory & Todos con Biden Bilingual Phone Bank hosted by Joe Biden for President. Register here ([link removed]) .
* Dominicanos con Biden Bilingual Phone Bank hosted by Joe Biden for President. Register here ([link removed]) .
* Venezolanos con Biden: Haz Llamadas a Florida! Virtual Phone Bank. Join the Venezolanos con Biden team every Saturday from 2-4pm ET and make phone calls to voters in South Florida to support Joe Biden and all Democrats on the ballot. In this online event we will provide phone banking training and then we'll start making calls! We will have a facilitator to answer any questions for the duration of the phone bank. We will make calls into South Florida to Spanish and English speaking voters. Every vote counts and every call made brings us closer to victory in November. Volunteer with us and help us create change! Every Saturday at 2pm ET. Register here ([link removed]) .

Vice President Biden: Updates
* Vice President Biden traveled to Florida where he delivered remarks on his vision for older Americans and encouraged Floridians to make a plan to vote. Biden’s visit to Broward County stood in stark contrast to Trump’s mostly unmasked and irresponsible rally in Sanford, Florida earlier this week. You can watch full remarks ofPembroke Pines ([link removed]) andMiramar ([link removed]) .
* HBCU Times published Senator Kamala Harris’sop-ed ([link removed]) on the Biden-Harris pledge to HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) and MSIs (Minority-Serving Institutions) in its fall issue. As a graduate of Howard University, Senator Harris writes that “every signal that we students received at Howard told us that we could be anything. We could come as we were and leave as the people we aspired to be."
* Biden for President launched “Looks Out ([link removed]) ,” a seniors-targeted ad featuring a testimonial from Mike Miller, a Michigan steelworker, about the importance of protecting Social Security.
* Biden for President released a new national ad series featuring millennial men in conversation and a rap battle ad with Ultimate Rap League, as the campaign continues its efforts to mobilize Black voters. The “Conversation Series” highlights four young Black men discussing issues impacting Black communities. The series includes five different ads, “Bottom Line ([link removed]) ,” “Hate ([link removed]) ,” “Just Say ([link removed]) ,” “Silenced ([link removed]) ” and “Resources ([link removed]) ,” ranging from 15-seconds to 60-seconds.
* This week, Vice President Joe Biden traveled to Ohio to talk about the economic pain working families across the state have felt as a result of President Trump’s broken promises to workers— from the closure of GM’s Lordstown plant to Trump’s threats to thousands of Ohio jobs by calling for a Goodyear boycott — and discussed his “Build Back Better” plan that will create millions of good-paying manufacturing jobs and revitalize the American auto industry. You can watch his full remarks in ToledoHERE ([link removed]) and in CincinnatiHERE ([link removed]) .
* Dr. Jill Biden traveled to the Atlanta Metro area and Columbus, Georgia, to encourage voters to cast their ballots by voting early in person. Biden joined an early vote event in DeKalb County before meeting with military and veteran families in Columbus, Georgia. At both stops, she encouraged Georgians to make a plan to vote by going ([link removed])
* Doug Emhoff traveled to Huntington Woods, Brighton, and Lansing, Michigan. He participated in a Jewish Americans for Biden listening session with Congressman Andy Levin in Huntington Woods before traveling to Brighton for a canvass kickoff. After, he traveled to Lansing where he joined a voter mobilization event with Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Senator Debbie Stabenow, and Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel.
* Biden for President held a virtual event celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day. The event featured remarks from Congresswoman Sharice Davids, and Congresswoman Deb Haaland, tribal leaders including President Fawn Sharp of the Quinault Indian Nation, President Bryan Newland of Bay Mills and Chairman Cedric Cromwell from Mashpee Wampanoag, and messages from Senator Elizabeth Warren and Mayor Pete Buttigeg. The event featured musical performances from Native artists Levi Platero, Supaman and the Cozad Singers.

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