Today marks 19 days until Election Day, and we're calling on all supporters to help us finish strong! We rely on donations from folks like you to power our grassroots campaign.

That means every ad we make, every mailer we send, every voter we call or text -- it’s all made possible by you.

This is a critical time for the campaign, and every dollar raised between now and Election Day will be used for voter contact.

If you're able, will you chip in and help us make the most of these final weeks before Election Day?


Thank you for all that you do,

-- Team Kate 




We're counting on you 

Kate Gallego has a long and proven track record of winning decisive victories for the residents of Phoenix.
Mayor of the fastest growing city in the nation, she is passionate about creating a Phoenix that leads in job growth, responsible environmental policy, and a knowledge-based economy with higher-wage jobs. As a Harvard graduate, community leader, and mom to 3-year-old Michael Gallego, her success in finding solutions to complex problems is driven by her ability to focus on long-term outcomes. 

Kate’s long term vision for Phoenix is a successful and growing city that works for everyone.







Paid for by Kate Gallego for Phoenix Mayor. Authorized by Kate Gallego

Kate Gallego for Phoenix Mayor
530 E. McDowell Rd.
Phoenix AZ 85004 United States