
In 2018 we made historic gains in the House because of you and the work that you put in. Americans across the country were fed up and ready for a new class of leaders — and we were successful because we did that work together.

Now there’s more energy this cycle than I’ve ever seen. From the botched handling of the COVID-19 pandemic to the rush job for confirming Amy Coney Barrett, people are fired up. With 19 days to go and the momentum on our side, we have a clear opportunity to win BIG this year.

But we can’t do that if we fail to channel that energy. At Serve America, we’ve endorsed candidates we believe in and candidates we know can win — many of them will help decide control of the Senate and are poised to help us expand our majority in the House.

And, John, right now they desperately need our support. The last few days of an election are the days that matter most. As we know, anything can happen.

So please consider making a contribution ahead of our deadline tonight. We have a long way to go to hit our $10,000 goal and can’t do it without you.

Thank you for all you’re doing.

Let’s finish strong.
