NumbersUSA Blog: The New York Times addresses immigration policies
The 2020 presidential election has pitted two drastically different visions on immigration policy, with the winner retaining substantial executive authority in certain enforcement areas. Decades of Congressional activity and reform attempts have bottomed out and fallen short since a massive increase in legal immigration passed in 1990.
NumbersUSA's Lisa Irving Venus has penned a timely post about the latest The New York Times editorial that hints at the unpopularity of their expansionist views:
"However, in contemplating post-election reversals of Trump's immigration policies, the [New York Times] Editorial Board notes that "there could be political challenges to backpedaling on Trump's immigration approach:"
"After undoing the cruelest and most pointless of the president's changes to the immigration system, a new administration would need to make difficult decisions about controlling the border, assessing the role that skills and family ties should play in admitting immigrants, enforcing employment laws for unauthorized immigrants and creating a pathway to citizenship for millions of those workers and their families.
The reader comments on the editorial, which Lisa chronicled marvelously in her blog, overwhelmed the editorial board perspective and showed a wonderful grasp of what type of immigration system readers favor. Lisa notes:
""If the most reader-recommended comments on the editorial are any indication, New York Times subscribers favor an economically just and environmentally sustainable immigration system, with humane and effective enforcement."
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Will immigration be explored in the presidential candidate town halls this week? Consider recording and watching both town halls tonight with President Donald Trump's town hall at 8 pm Eastern on NBC and former Vice President Joe Biden's town hall at 8 pm Eastern on ABC.
NOTE: NumbersUSA is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that doesn't endorse particular candidates or parties. We grade candidates on their policy positions like reducing or expanding annual immigration (Biden, Trump).
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