DON'T WAIT until after the election to raise your voice for immigration control! We need you to take action NOW to make next year better John, All of us are holding our breath waiting for the elections. But candidates URGENTLY need to hear from our supporters BEFORE the elections. We need your help to make sure Congress hears from our millions of supporters and we still have the funds to fight whatever battles we will certainly face no matter who wins the elections. Let me be clear: we don't endorse or fund any candidates. NumbersUSA ACTION seeks to affect immigration policy by informing voters and elected officials. If you want to donate to an election campaign, you probably know how to do that, but DON'T FORGET ABOUT US! Don't lose sight -- and don't let your candidates lose sight -- of why we send them to Washington.
Remember last year, when 850,000 migrants were apprehended by the Border Patrol? Only 2% were granted asylum to stay legally, although we don't know how many stayed illegally. And actions like the Remain in Mexico policy have helped prevent further surges... for now. We're very grateful for what Pres. Trump has managed to achieve in better enforcement... but you also helped accomplish that. After all, Pres. Trump has been fighting a battle that would have already been previously lost without the activism and financial support of our members. See, during the Bush and Obama years, you helped stop legislation which would have granted amnesty to most illegal aliens in the U.S.. Everyone in Washington thought it was a slam dunk... but we fought and we won! We still need Congress to deliver on many issues. We need Pres. Trump's reforms made permanent. We need Congress to mandate E-Verify, to make sure illegal aliens can't continue to steal Americans' identities to take American jobs. We need to stop rewarding illegal aliens by giving citizenship to the children they have after they come to America. None of that will happen if Congress doesn't hear from our members before AND after the election. You can help make sure that millions of voters appreciate how important reducing immigration is, and know which candidate will do what on immigration. You can make sure that Congress understands why people who want to lower immigration rates are voting the way that they do. You can make sure TODAY that Congress makes the RIGHT immigration reforms AFTER the election. But only if we get the support from our members, like you, that we urgently need.
Whatever happens this election, we know two things: 1) The overwhelming majority of members of Congress are coming back next year, and at the same time, 2) What happens leading up to Election Day is going to massively affect what happens after Election Day. See, it doesn't only matter who wins, but also why they win. Let me explain why: In Pres. Obama's first two years in office, the Democrats had a massive majority in the House of Representatives and reached a filibuster-proof super-majority in the Senate (including independents). Yet they did nothing on immigration... because they chose to focus on economic stimulus and healthcare. We dodged a bullet. That bullet may be much tougher to dodge next time. The Democratic leadership has promised to make amnesty and immigration reform a top priority if they obtain unified government. If so, we'll at least need to work harder than ever to get at least some of the Democrats to back off from their most harmful proposals. We also know that there are enough Republicans who are weak on reducing immigration -- or who actively support massive increases in immigration -- so if the Republicans win, we'll still have our work cut out for us. If the Republicans win, will Republicans in Congress feel they've gotten away with failing to pass urgently needed legislation? Or will they see that the American people have rejected the Democratic leadership's open-borders extremism? If the Democrats win, will they interpret it as a mandate for massive immigration? Or simply of a rejection of Trump's personality, leadership, or other issues?
The open-borders crowd is already trying to lower expectations from Joe Biden, if he is elected. A recent New York Times' editorial was entitled, "Trump's Overhaul of Immigration Is Worse Than You Think: This administration has attacked every aspect of the immigration system and it won't be easy to undo." The Times editorial quotes Migration Policy Institute analyst Sarah Pierce: "There's so much change that has happened in the last four years, there's no way a new administration could reverse things in four or even eight years." Make no mistake, this election matters enormously. The Times column concludes: "If Democrats were to take control of Congress and the White House next year, it would be fairly simple to undo some of the damage Mr. Trump has done to the nation's immigration system." Why it may be difficult to undo more is even more interesting: They acknowledge that politics may deter Congress from enacting radical, open-borders legislation: "there could be political challenges to undoing President Trump's clamps on the border if that would invite new caravans of asylum seekers. Would Democrats reverse the public charge rule and leave themselves open to accusations of coddling newcomers?" The open-borders crowd is already signaling they might have to compromise, even if the Democrats win it all. See, the Democrats could be deterred, but not if they don't hear from us RIGHT NOW. And the Republicans won't be motivated to make the RIGHT REFORMS if they don't hear from us NOW. To make that happen, we need your generous support, TODAY There are three ways to give: 1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal. 2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check. 3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back. Be well,
Dan Marsh P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected]. P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help. |