As crucial as Thursday's debate was to showing off John's unique advantages in this race, the fundraising numbers we post by tonight's reporting deadline are even more important.
Hickenlooper 2020 |


Tonight we close the books on our June fundraising, and the finance team can tell you: I’ve been checking in pretty frequently about how close we are to hitting our goals. (I’ll be asking their forgiveness after the deadline.)

As crucial as Thursday’s debate was to showing off John’s unique perspectives in this race, the fundraising numbers we post by tonight’s reporting deadline are even more important.

The media, political insiders, and other competitors will use these numbers to judge how seriously we can compete in this race—so we’re relying on this team to show that we mean business.

We’re still over $15,000 from the amount we need to hit by midnight to keep our summer plans on track. Can you help us close the gap by stepping up now?

Donate $5

Donate $5

Donate $25

Donate $50

Donate $100


Thank you,

Brad Komar
Campaign Manager
Hickenlooper 2020


Paid for by Hickenlooper 2020

PO Box 6377, Denver, CO 80206

Contributions or gifts to Hickenlooper 2020 are not tax deductible.

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