People are voting, but more than 89% of voters have not yet cast a ballot!
We're fighting for every last vote - and this election could come down to the wire. That's why we need your help today.
Our campaign has fought hard - and we have accomplished a lot.
Our TV spots have won acclaim, our digital and social media has produced some of the most-watched spots in history, we deployed state-of-the-art technology to do grassroots outreach via text and phone, and we have numerous volunteers donning masks and going door-to-door to secure every last vote. We've even done outreach on TV and Radio to the Latino community - something Salud has taken for granted (like the rest of the district!)
But we need to keep pushing hard for 20 more days!
While Salud has been hiding in Washington DC or holding news conferences about mystery postboxes that were never missing in the first place, I have been meeting (live and virtually) with thousands of voters and talking about real issues and my agenda for Congress.
- Speed economic recovery and bring jobs back to America by making Trump's regulatory reforms that sparked the economic boom from 2106-2019 permanent.
- Improve education by supporting real School Choice so families and students can get the education they need.
- Keep the lights on & the water flowing by keeping Diablo open and expanding the desalination plant to provide water for families and farms.
- Enact REAL healthcare reform to reduce the cost of premiums and prescriptions.
- Keep our promises to Veterans & Seniors by reforming the VA and stop government borrowing from the Social Security trust.
These are real reforms that will make the lives of Central Coast residents better. Meanwhile, Salud Carbajal hasn't passed a single bill in Congress during his entire career there! We need a Congressman who will stand up and get things done - and if you know anything about me, you know that I will stand up, speak out and fight!
We're in this together. We will win together.
Andy Caldwell
Government Watchdog & Candidate for Congress