
My opponent released an attack ad last night comparing us to Donald Trump and accusing us of using “Trump tactics.”

Here’s what we’re not going to do: Attack her back using false claims and accusations.

Here’s what we are going to do: Talk about reality. The truth. Where I stand as your candidate and about the campaign that we’ve built, together.

Let’s get one thing straight -- I have nothing in common with the President of the United States.

Donald Trump has done nothing but protect big corporations and the top 1%, helping the rich get richer while the poor stay poor. He is a misogynistic, homophobic, racist individual who uses his platform to advance an agenda of hatred and divisiveness.

But me? I am a proud, first generation Mexican-American with humbling life experience. From growing up with immigrant parents and adapting to a completely new way of life here, it’s a unique experience with life-changing moments -- an experience that immigrant families face across the entire country.

Donald Trump doesn’t know what that’s like. My opponent? She doesn’t know what it’s like either.

I didn’t grow up wealthy. I wasn’t born into a rich family. I worked multiple jobs from the time I was in high school to put food on the table and afford my tuition at San Diego State University. Donald Trump, however, was privileged enough to attend an Ivy League and was “gifted” $1 million to start his own business. My opponent was also fortunate enough to attend an Ivy League school, lives off the passive income generated by her family’s wealth, and is claiming the same real estate tax write-offs that let Donald Trump only pay $750 in taxes.

But guess what? I wouldn’t change a thing. I wouldn’t change anything about my life experiences because then I wouldn’t be where I’m at right now -- running to be your Congresswoman in CA-53.

If things were different, I wouldn’t know the struggles of so many working-class people who get manipulated by the millionaires and billionaires of this country. Who wonder where the next meal may come from, or if their parents will come home from work or be taken by the border patrol -- I’ve been there. But people who’ve known money their entire lives? Once again, they don’t know what it’s like.

But still, I wouldn’t change a thing.

Today, I’m proud to be running for CA-53 and set to be the first LGBTQ+ Latina in Congress. Although I’m an unconventional candidate, unconventional is what we need -- not more politicians who have only come to Congress to play partisan politics.

I’m different, and I’m here to represent you and only you.

Thanks for reading, friend, and if you can, please chip in $5 or whatever you can to our 100% people-powered, people-funded campaign.

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Like First Lady Michelle Obama once said, “When they go low, we go high.”

With love,

Georgette Gómez