I hope Eleanor's story inspires you to give. Our goal: $50k.
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Our Goal: $50K for Voting Rights
You've made the first move.
Now keep moving voting rights forward for people like Eleanor
Advocate, when I hear stories like Eleanor's*, where an engaged citizen is denied her constitutional right to vote, frankly, I'm angry. I know you feel the same, so I hope you're able to rush your support. The election is just a few weeks away.

In 71 years, Eleanor has never missed an election. Nineteen years ago, after her knee replacement, standing in line at the polls became too painful — so she started voting by mail. She's voted by mail in every election since without a hitch.

This year's primary election was different. Eleanor never received her ballot. As the deadline loomed, she called her local elections board... and her call went straight to voicemail. This went on for three weeks — she'd call, leave a message, and never hear back. Frustrated and confused, 89-year-old Eleanor feared she might have to vote in person... during a global pandemic.

"It probably would have been a challenge, and I wouldn't feel my best... but I still would have done it," she says. Voting is that important.

Eleanor remembers seeing white people going to the polls while Black people were denied their right to vote. She knows how precious voting is... and what's at stake.

Here's the thing: Eleanor's story is not a one off. So many people will be forced to choose between their health and their vote if we don't act NOW.
That's why we're on the ground, working at the local, state and federal levels for election funding, accessible ballot drop boxes, and expanded vote by mail. We are working tirelessly to ensure a free and fair election where every ballot counts.

Will you join us with an urgent donation and get us to our $50K goal before Election Day?

I know you're already with us. With every email you send to your elected officials, every call you make, every petition you sign, you move us forward. You are a movement mover. Now I hope you'll make another pivotal move — for Eleanor. Rush your donation. We're running out of time.
— Leigh Chapman
Voting Rights Director
The Leadership Conference

P.S. It's been a long road, and we're so close to the finish line. Let's keep moving. Vote — early, if you can — and become an #OctoberVoter. Sign up to be a poll worker at powerthepolls.org/leadershipconference. If you encounter any voting problems yourself, call the nonpartisan Election Protection Hotline at 1-866-OUR-VOTE. And give to The Leadership Conference today to help us raise $50k by Election Day. Thanks in advance for fueling the final sprint for democracy.

*We've changed Eleanor's name to protect her identity.
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Our Goal justice, inclusion, and fairness for all.
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