Thanks for signing up to join our campaign to make money work for society.

Dear John,

Welcome to Positive Money! Thanks for signing up to join our campaign to make money work for society.

We believe if we want to deal with the big social, economic and environmental challenges we’re facing today, we need to fix our broken money and banking system - so that we can have a fair, democratic and sustainable economy.

To help us spread the word, please will you ‘like’ Positive Money on Facebook if you use it?

The fact that banks have the power to create most of the money in our system has led to the highest personal debt in history, unaffordable housing, worsening inequality and financial instability. Fortunately, there is a growing movement of people calling for a change.

Through our growing supporter-base of 67,000 people and 20 local groups, we run people-powered campaigns for a monetary system that works for and not against society, business, and the environment.

It's been a fantastic few years for the Positive Money campaign. For example, several leading politicians have publicly acknowledged that monetary policy contributes to inequality, including Theresa May, George Osborne and Vince Cable. Now that politicians are starting to accept that monetary policy isn’t working, they’ll be more interested in our proposals to reform it.

Positive Money's letter to the Chancellor was signed by 40 leading economists. It was covered in the Guardian, and several TV and radio stations. Overall, the Positive Money campaign is getting more media coverage. Whilst our local groups are holding street stalls, speaking at events, meeting MPs and writing plays and making board games to spread our message.

We also had our first viral video, when nearly 1 million people watched our video exposing Theresa May's misunderstanding about the 'Magic Money Tree'!

Please, will you take your first action today and ‘Like’ the Positive Money Facebook page? You could invite your friends to like it too:

You will get an email from Positive Money about once every two weeks, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Thank you for joining us,

Rachel, Mira, Zack, David, Fran, Simon, Rob, Shupikai, Konstantin and Paul - the Positive Money team

Positive Money relies on donations from generous individuals like you to carry out our research, education work and campaign for a fairer money and banking system.
Please will you make a secure donation now so together we can win sooner?
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