With all of the questionable voting practices this year, this election could very well end up being decided by the Supreme Court.

Hi ,

With all of the questionable voting practices this year, this election could very well end up being decided by the Supreme Court.

But with just eight justices on the bench, there could be a tie!

We have to confirm Justice Amy Coney Barrett before the election to ensure that will not happen.

Help me continue pushing to get ACB confirmed with a quick $30 donation to our campaign right now.


Mitch McConnell promised to hold a vote before the November 3rd election. I am working hard to make sure that vote happens.

But a number of moderate Senators are lobbying behind the scenes to delay that vote!

I am urging Mitch to stand strong. I am doing my best to persuade all of my colleagues to do the right thing and vote for Amy Coney Barrett before the election.

Send our campaign a one time donation of $45 or more right now to help me stop the vote from being delayed.


We can only afford to lose three votes. If just one or two moderate Republicans fails to follow through, we could lose this confirmation battle.

I believe we can get the votes we need, but I need your support to keep fighting.

Your generous gift of $60, $85, $110 or more will go directly towards my efforts to keep the Senate in Republican hands.

Stand with me today, and we will secure another Supreme Court seat together.

Thank you and God Bless,
Jim Inhofe
U.S. Senator |

Contributions to Friends of Jim Inhofe Committee are not deductible as charitable donations for tax purposes. Federal election law requires political committees and individuals to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for contributions $200 or more an election cycle may contribute up to $2,800 for the Primary election and $2,800 for the General election. Contributions are prohibited from corporations, labor unions, federal government contractors, national banks, nationals without permanent residency status, and from any individual contributing another’s funds. Not printed at Government Expense.

Paid for by Friends of Jim Inhofe
Friends of Jim Inhofe

PO Box 13300
Oklahoma City, OK 73113
