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CHBA BC launches the #BCHomeBeliever Campaign for the 2020 Provincial Election
As BC's provincial election shifts into high gear for the final two weeks, the Canadian Home Builders' Association of British Columbia (CHBA BC) has today launched the #BCHomeBeliever Campaign. Designed to raise the awareness of the increasing need to address housing supply and affordability, the campaign is targeted to all BC political candidates and voters with a passion for solving BC's housing challenges.
The on-going housing supply shortage in British Columbia makes it difficult for hard-working British Columbians to be able to buy a home in the communities where they live, work and play. This election is an opportunity for voters to tell their local candidates and party leaders that building more homes continues to be a priority.
CHBA BC has identified three key recommendations that the next B.C. government can immediately support: building more homes and making homeownership a reality for more British Columbians.
Check out our website at to email your local candidates and party leaders and ask them if they are a #BCHomeBeliever and support building more homes.
Webinar: BC Real Estate and the Election on Our Doorstep
Join the BC Real Estate Association (BCREA) on Wednesday, October 21 at 10:00 am PT to explore the impacts of the upcoming provincial election on the BC real estate sector.
During this 75-minute webinar and expert panel discussion, BCREA will review the key asks that they and real estate boards will make of any new provincial government and explore the risks and opportunities for the real estate sector arising from the changing political landscape. They will also have a close look at what could happen at the federal level that could impact real estate in BC.
This webinar will feature an expert panel discussion, moderated by BCREA Chief Executive Officer Darlene Hyde, who will be joined by:
Trevor Hargreaves, Vice President of Government Relations and Stakeholder Engagement, BCREA, Linda Kristal, Vice President, Advocacy, Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA), and Neil Moody, Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Home Builders’ Association of BC (CHBA BC).
You can register for this webinar here.
Georgie's Corner
The 2021 Georgie Awards® Call for Entries is open to all members. Make sure you begin your application process early — you can start and stop the application at any time before the October 30th deadline. Don't forget to include all associate companies for them to be properly recognized too!
For more information on entering the Georgie Awards® look here. Think you're up to the challenge? You can submit your entry for the 2021 Georgie Awards® here. |
- 1st or 2nd mortgages
- Fully open terms
- Quick turn around on draws
B.C. Election 2020: Policy Platform Recommendations
CHBA BC had provided five housing policy platform recommendations to all major provincial political parties prior to the official release of their campaign platforms in late September. You can find our recommendations here. If you have any questions regarding these policies or how they came about please contact [email protected].
B.C. Major Provincial Parties Campaign Platforms
With less than 10 days left to go before the election, all three major provincial parties have now publically shared their election campaign platforms with the public. CHBA BC will be providing a matrix of the major housing policies for next week's newsletter. Until then, you can find the party platforms below.
Green Party
Liberal Party
New Democratic Party
New HAVAN Podcast: Measure Twice, Cut Once
HAVAN’s new consumer-facing podcast Measure Twice, Cut Once is an excellent resource for homeowners to connect with the professionals to protect one of their greatest investments — their home. More than just an inspiration board, Season One walks the listener through what you need to know before you even consider picking up a hammer. The podcast features HAVAN's homebuilding experts sharing behind-the-walls knowledge, in plain language, on design, build, and renovation industry best practices to help homeowners build it right, the first time. Listen now! You might learn a thing or two! And be sure to share with your friends and family for the chance to win a Napoleon Prestige P500 gas barbeque valued at $1050.00, compliments of our Podcast Partners FortisBC.

7701 Las Colinas Ridge, Ste. 800, Irving, TX 75063