I've got a lot on my mind right now. Every hour of every day, my team and I are crunching numbers, using decades of financial wisdom and stewardship to spread every single dollar as far as it will go to reach voters.

BIG POLITICAL MONEY from out of state is pouring into my opponent's party in Harris County as Early Voting begins. It's typical political gamesmanship. But here's the thing: Your safety is not a game.

We are living in a make-or-break moment in Harris County. Do we continue to allow paltry clearance rates of less than 13% for sexual assault cases and 2.29% for burglaries? Or do we elect a new Harris County Sheriff who knows that there needs to be organizational change in order to improve safety and clearance rates in Harris County?

Here's the reality. We are so close to our goal, but we need $10,000 more and 30 more volunteers to sign up in the next 48 hours to make sure our message reaches every Harris County voter to win through digital ads, signs, lit drops, texts, and phone calls.
*Provide your address and size for t-shirt, limit 3