
Earlier this week the Senate Judiciary Committee began confirmation hearings for Judge Amy Coney Barrett, the far right idealogue nominated by President Trump only weeks before Election Day. Remember, this cynical act by the Republicans comes after they refused to even consider the nomination of Merrick Garland made by President Obama, because they said it was improper to seat a new Justice in a presidential election year. My how the times have changed. 

While the process here is highly questionable (made even worse by the fact that multiple Republican committee members have recently tested positive for COVID-19), the real reason why this nomination absolutely cannot go forward is much more significant: women’s rights are at risk and a 6-3 conservative court could easily strike down Roe v. Wade. 

Women have fought for decades for the right to make our own decisions about our bodies and to have access to safe, legal abortions and other family planning services. A strong majority of the population agrees that Roe v. Wade must be protected, with 66% in a recent poll saying the decision should not be overturned. And New Jersey is taking the lead on putting the protections guaranteed by Roe v. Wade into state law, with Governor Murphy recently announcing his support for a bill to protect abortion rights if the decision is struck down. 

Judge Barrett, who has been groomed for this position by the right wing Federalist Society for years, has been incredibly evasive so far in the Senate hearing and has refused to answer numerous questions about her views on abortion access and other important issues. But Senator Amy Klobuchar was able to peel back the layers and force Judge Barrett to admit that she does not see Roe as a “superprecedent,” meaning that she could rule to overturn the landmark decision. 

No matter what Judge Barrett says at these sham hearings, we know from her past positions, writings and her association with far right conservative groups that her nomination puts womens’ hard earned rights at risk. And we must stand up and say loud and clear that we will not allow ourselves to go back to the days of illegal, unsafe abortions that threaten womens’ lives. 

The American people are watching, and we’re voting in record numbers. We won’t let our rights be taken away.

--- Lt. Governor Sheila Oliver






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