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The Latest from BPC’s Campus Free Expression Project
Our newsletter this month invites you to a panel discussion on the state of collegiate free speech and shares an article about an institutional approach to fostering free expression on campus. If you have any questions, please email Jacqueline Pfeffer Merrill at [email protected].

Election Day, November 3, is fast approaching. BPC’s Elections Project offers a video with key factors voters should know as they look ahead to the election. Watch to learn more about upholding the integrity of our civic institutions and improving the voting experience for a diverse electorate.


Tune in on October 20 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. ET to a panel discussion co-hosted by the Program for Public Discourse and the Institute of Politics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The online panel discussion will cover the state of free expression on campus today.

Project Director Jacqueline Pfeffer Merrill will be joined by Greg Lukianoff, president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, and Sigal Ben-Porath, professor at the Penn Graduate School of Education.
Register here.


In the News

On September 24, BPC held a briefing for congressional staffers about how COVID-19 is affecting the student experience in Fall 2020 and how challenges to civic literacy, free expression, and student voting are playing out this election cycle. The panel included a student journalist, Kendall Polidori, who wrote in a reflection on the panel: “We are all experiencing the pandemic and an immense amount of change in different aspects of our lives... In order to understand the ‘student experience,’ we have to look at individual stories, many of which come from students themselves.”


Project Highlights

To celebrate Constitution Day 2020, BPC’s Campus Free Expression and Elections Projects brought together a panel to discuss the state of student involvement in the elections, student voting trends, and ways to increase student voter turnout. Our conversation featured an expert on student voting and four student leaders working to make their campuses a home to robust civic engagement. The Well News covered the event.


In her article for the American Enterprise Institute’s series, Sketching a New Conservative Education Agenda, Jacqueline Pfeffer Merrill outlines a path to address the campus free expression crisis: “the hard work of institution building through a free expression task force changed perceptions, made new advocates for viewpoint diversity, and led to statements that are now being used to rewrite other campus policies and set metrics with which institutional success in promoting open inquiry and free expression are measured.”


Take a look at these 10 must-read news stories, op-eds, and articles about campus free expression from the last month.


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