I’m David Hogg, a survivor of the high school shooting in Parkland, Florida and co-founder of March for Our Lives.

After that mass shooting, my classmates and I were offered the same empty condolences from our leaders who continue to let us down on protecting our communities from gun violence.

"Thoughts and prayers" are not enough. Recent events -- from the Supreme Court hearings to armed militias trying to kidnap a governor and Black people being brutally beaten by the police -- have reminded many voters that bold new gun violence prevention policies are desperately needed.

I’m emailing you today to ask you to join me, the PCCC, the Biden-Harris campaign, youth advocates from around the country, and Senator Chris Murphy for a phone bank to call voters and let them know what is at stake in this election. Can you join me today at 7pm Eastern? Click here.

Donald Trump and many Republican politicians are captured by the NRA and gun manufacturers. As with the coronavirus, they are not putting public safety first.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden helped pass the assault weapons ban in the 90s and he has promised to reinstate it if he is elected president -- along with universal background checks and investing $900 million into evidence-based intervention programs. These are the kind of bold solutions we need.

Together, we can remind key voters about this election. With voting beginning in many states, we must urge people to vote early and vote in person if they can.

Can you join me on the Biden/PCCC phone bank this Thursday at 7pm Eastern to call voters, remind them of the stakes, and urge them to vote early in person if they can?

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- David Hogg

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