Dear John,

Join us at The People Have the Power: A Voter Town Hall for a last push on the election. Issues like COVID-19, the Heroes Act, climate change, jobs and many others will be addressed. The event will be streamed on Zoom.

Register here.  

The Town Hall will take place on Sunday, October 25, at 8:00 PM Eastern, 7:00 Central 5:00 Pacific.


Fred Richmond, Vice President United Steelworkers

 Rev. Scott Marks, Chair,
UNITE/HERE Black Leadership Committee

 Sandi Luckey, Executive Director,
 Montana Democratic Party

Chuck Rocha, President, Solidarity Strategies

With Trump threatening to not abide by election results and peacefully transfer power, voting itself, securing the ballot and then defending it is vital.  Concerned citizens cannot simply vote and go home.  It's going to take an energized and committed electorate daily engaging from now until the Inauguration to insure the outcome.

Indeed even after Trump is defeated, we're going to have to continue to fight to make sure a people's agenda is implemented.

Click here to participate in the the Town Hall.

Thank you!





































































































































































































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