Thursday, October 15th, 2020

R is the Rock That Shatters the Greenhouse Effect

Chuck Wikman

The Great California Exodus

Andrew Moran

What If We Ignore the Government?

Andrew P. Napolitano

The Virus That Isn’t There Has a Hypnotic Effect

Jon Rappoport

This is Going to be One for the Record Books

Doug Casey

Slaughter in the Cities

Steve Sailer

Another Dumb White Liberal Feminist Makes a Fool of Herself

Paul Craig Roberts

His Childlike Faith in Politics

G. K. Chesterton grew out of it.

The Child Has Spoken

Greta Thunberg

What’s Behind The WHO’s Lockdown Mixed-Messaging

Stacey Rudin

How Rock Star Roger Waters Was Hung Out To Dry By Amnesty and Bellingcat for His Views on the Syrian ‘Chemical Attack’

Kit Klarenberg

The Majority Are Already Immune Against SARS-CoV-2

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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