Seeking DRA's Next Leader

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Dear DRA Supporters, Friends, Clients, and Allies,
The DRA Board is excited to announce the launch of our search for a new President and CEO of DRA. As you know, DRA was founded in 1993 by visionary attorneys and disability advocates Larry Paradis and Sid Wolinsky. Larry and Sid led DRA, with great success, until Larry’s passing in 2016 and Sid’s retirement in 2018. Thanks to a dedicated team of staff and the wonderful stewardship of our Interim Executive Director, Kate Hamilton, DRA continues to increase its reach and impact as we transition from a founder-led organization into our next chapter.
We now have launched a search for a visionary leader to take the helm and help shape the course of that next chapter. This is a remarkable opportunity for the right candidate.  DRA’s new leader will inherit a financially stable, mission-driven organization.  DRA manifests that mission through high impact civil rights litigation that compels public and private institutions to make material changes to end discriminatory systems and practices and increase social and economic equality for people with disabilities. We are looking for candidates who are committed to disability rights and prepared to use exceptional leadership, management, and relationship-building skills to lead and grow our national cross-disability non-profit legal center. A candidate who can expand our network of partner organizations in the disability community, and nurture our strong internal culture as it continues to live its disability rights values and actively work to improve its diversity, equity and inclusion practices. 
Please help spread the word to your network of disability leaders. The Position Announcement can be found here. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled but we are asking that serious candidates submit applications, on or before, October 30, 2020.  Applications should contain a resume and thoughtful cover letter, outlining how your skills and experience meet the qualifications of the position. Email Christine Griffin, [email protected] with DRA President/CEO Search in the subject line.
Thank you so much,
Cristina Rubke and Allison May
DRA Board/Search Committee
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Disability Rights Advocates
2001 Center Street, Fourth Floor
Berkeley, CA 94704

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