A partisan, for-the-powerful Supreme Court made Citizens United happen. They handed the 2000 election to George W. Bush. They gutted the Voting Rights Act and ok'd radical Republican gerrymandering and torpedoed working people's ability to form unions.

Now, consider all the future terrible decisions a 6-3 conservative Court would make on efforts to take on climate chaos, protect consumers from big corporations, advance racial justice and so much more if Trump and Mitch McConnell get their way and rush Amy Coney Barrett onto the Supreme Court with only weeks before the election.

The mission of our Blue Wave Project is at its most critical moment yet. Please chip in $3, because we must win across America, we must take back the Senate, and we must protect the integrity of our democracy.

If the Supreme Court takes this further turn to the right, we need a US Senate that will protect our values with legislation.

The Court will be considering a case just days after the election that could overturn the ACA and take health care from tens of millions.

Roe v. Wade will be under immediate attack. The right to a safe and legal abortion across America is in deep danger.

Obergefell v. Hodges and marriage equality are also in danger. Justices Alito and Thomas have said it should be reversed, and they may very well get their way if we don't act fast.

In the face of this Court, it's more important than ever that we have a blue Senate that can stand up for justice and opportunity for all. And a Democratic Senate is the key to restoring balance to the courts so they are true to our We the People vision.

A Trump-packed Supreme Court puts everything at risk, and it's one big reason we're doing everything we can to elect a new, Democratic Senate majority.

Please chip in $3 before our final FEC deadline of the 2020 election. Your grassroots effort goes directly to making our big, blue wave a reality.


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