From Mikie Sherrill <[email protected]>
Subject We need your help to flip PA-10 blue
Date October 14, 2020 10:04 PM
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Mikie Sherrill :: U.S. Congress


I am so excited to reach out to you today on behalf of Eugene DePasquale, who is running to flip Pennsylvania's 10th Congressional District from red to blue. In 2018, I was proud to flip NJ-11 blue after 22 years of Republican control. I know what it takes, so trust me when I say that Eugene can get the job done.

But Eugene has a tough fight ahead, and he's going to need a true grassroots movement backing him. I'm coming to you directly to help get him across the finish line,friend. Will you join me in supporting Eugene by making a contribution of any size to his campaign now?


Friend, Washington could use more leaders like Eugene who are willing to take our toughest challenges head-on.

As PA's Auditor General, Eugene has worked to level the playing field for Pennsylvanians by putting hard-working families first and holding powerful people on both sides of the aisle accountable.

Right now, Eugene's race is a pure toss-up and Washington Republicans are doing everything they can to keep their hands on this district.

Eugene is running a people-powered campaign to bring real change to his district, but he is going to need our full support through Election Day. I would be personally grateful for anything you can chip in to help him win this race and flip PA-10 from red to blue.

Thank you,


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Mikie Sherrill, PO Box 43032 Montclair, NJ 07043
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