I just wrapped up what was probably the toughest finance meeting I've been in, friends. You see, today is the last FEC filing deadline before the election – meaning the last time we can publicly show the strength of our campaign to win in Florida and protect our House majority.
With voters casting their ballots right now, every single dollar matters more than ever in securing the resources that win campaigns. But my finance team just informed me that, as of 12:01 this morning, we are falling short of our $15,000 goal. We are falling short by quite a bit, friends.
Look, I'm going to be perfectly upfront with you – because you're a valuable member of this team, and because I want you to get a clear picture of the urgency my finance team just presented to me: Falling short of such crucial goals at this stage in the game means we could lack resources to mobilize voters, get out the vote and keep our ads live on TV and online. President Trump is crisscrossing our state – and the RNC is attacking me personally.